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cover ASSAnandashram Samskrita Granthavali (Anandashram Sanskrit Series) is a collection of ancient, very rare Sanskrit works published by Anandashram, Pune from the year 1888 to 1942. A total of 144 books on Vedasamhita, Aranyakas, Brahmanas, Upanishads, Srautasutras, Grahyasutras, Mimamsa, Puranas, Kavya, Vyakarakana, etc were published under this series. Out of this, four books are in Marathi which are not uploaded here. Those who wish to buy hard copies of the books may contact the publishers via http://anandashram-sanstha.org/index.html


Anandashram Sanskrit Series

ASS_001. Sri Ganesa Atharvasirsham Sabhashyam – Vamansastri Islampurkar 1889
ASS_002. Rudradhyaya with Commentaries of Sayana & Bhattabhaskara – Anandasram
ASS_003. Purushasukta with Sayanabhashya – GB Kale 1952
ASS_004. Yogaratnakara – Anna Moresvar Kunte 1889
ASS_005. Isavasya Upanishad with Skt Commentaries – Rajaram Sastri Bodas 1905
ASS_006. Kenopanishad with Sankarabhashya & Tika – Balasastri Agase 1909
ASS_007. Kathopanishad Sankarabhashya with 2 Tikas – Vaijnath Rajwade 1935
ASS_008. Prasnopanishad Sankarabhashya with Anandagiri’s Tika & Sankarananda’s Dipika 1911
ASS_009. Mundakopanishad Sankarabhashya with Anandagiri’s Tika & Sankarananda’s Dipika 1935
ASS_010. Mandukyopanishad with Karika – Abhajisarma Kathawade 1923
ASS_011. Aitareyopanishad Sankarabhashya with Anandagiri’s Tika & Vidyaranya’s Dipika 1931
ASS_012. Taittiriyopanishatsatikashankarabhashyopeta – Vamansastri Islampurkar 1889
ASS_013. Taittiriyopanishadbashyavartikam – HN Apte 1889
ASS_014. Chandogyopanishad Sankarabhashya with Anandagiri’s Tika – Kasinath Sastri Agase 1934
ASS_015. Brihadaranyakopanishat Sankara Bhashyam & Anandagiri Tika – KS Agase 1891
ASS_016. Brahadaranyakopnishad Bhashya Vartikam Vol 1 (Sambandhavartika) – KS Agase 1892
ASS_016. Brahadaranyakopnishad Bhashya Vartikam Vol 2 (Chapters 1-2) – KS Agase 1893
ASS_016. Brahadaranyakopnishad Bhashya Vartikam Vol 3 (Chapters 3-6) – KS Agase 1893
ASS_017. Svetasvatara Upanishad with Sankara Bhashya & 3 Commenataries – VG Apte 1927
ASS_018. Saura Purana – Kasinathsastri Lele 1924
ASS_019. Rasaratnasamuchchaya – Krishnarao Sarma Bapat 1890
ASS_020. Jivanmuktiviveka with AR Modak’s Commentary – Ganeshsastri Gokhale 1916
ASS_021. Brahmasutra Sankarabhashya with Anandagiri Tika Part 1 – Anandasram 1890
ASS_021. Brahmasutra Sankarabhashya with Anandagiri Tika Part 2 – Anandasram 1891
ASS_022. Sankaravijaya of Vidyaranya with Tika of DhanapatiSтАЛuri – MC Apte 1921
ASS_023. Vaiyasika Nyaya Mala – Pandita Sivadatta Dadhicha 1891
ASS_024. Jaiminiyanyayamala with Vistara 1892
ASS_025. Sutasamhita with Tatparyadipikaa Part 1 – VS Pansikar 1891
ASS_025. Sutasamhita with Tatparyadipikaa Part 2 – VS Pansikar 1891
ASS_025. Sutasamhita with Tatparyadipikaa Part 3 – VS Pansikar 1925
ASS_026. Hastyayurvedah of Palakapya Muni – Sivadatta Sarma 1894
ASS_027. Vrindamadhavaparanama Siddhayogah – Hanumat Sastri Padhye 1891
ASS_028. Brahmapurana of Vedavyasa 1895
ASS_029. Upanishadam Samucchayah (32 Upanishads) – HN Apte 1895
ASS_030. Nrisimhapurvottaratapaniyopanishat with Sankarabhashya & Dipika of Vidyaranya┬а 1929
ASS_031. Brihadaranyakopanishad with Mitakshara of Nityanandamuni – KS Agase 1895
ASS_032. Aitareya Brahmanam with Sayanabhashya Part 1 – Kasinathsastri Agase 1896
ASS_032. Aitareya Brahmanam with Sayanabhashya Part 2 – Kasinathsastri Agase 1896
ASS_033. Rajanighantusahito Dhanwantariya Nighantuh – Vaidyanarayana Sarma Purandare 1896
ASS_034. Bhagavad Gita Sankara Bhashya – Kashinath Sastri Agase 1927
ASS_034. Bhagavad Gita Sankara Bhashya with Anandagiri Tika – Kasinath Sastri Agase 1896
ASS_035. Sangita Ratnakara with Kalanidhi Tika┬а Part 1 – MR Telang 1942
ASS_035. Sangita Ratnakara with Kalanidhi Tika┬а Part 2 – MR Telang 1942
ASS_036. Taittiriya Aranyakam with Sayana Bhashya Part 1 – Babasastri Phadke 1898
ASS_036. Taittiriya Aranyakam with Sayana Bhashya Part 2 – Babasastri Phadke 1927
ASS_037. Taittiriya Brahmanam with Sayanabhashya Part 1 – Narayanasastri Godbole 1934
ASS_037. Taittiriya Brahmanam with Sayanabhashya Part 2 – Narayanasastri Godbole 1898
ASS_037. Taittiriya Brahmanam with Sayanabhashya Part 3 – Narayanasastri Godbole 1898
ASS_038. Aitareyaranyakam with Sayanabhashya – Babasastri Phadke 1898
ASS_039. Samskara Ratnamala of Bhatta Gopinatha Dikshita Part 1 – KS Agase 1899
ASS_039. Samskara Ratnamala of Bhatta Gopinatha Dikshita Part 2 – KS Agase 1899
ASS_040. Sandhya Bhashya Samuchaya with 5 Commentaries – KS Agase 1899
ASS_041. Agnipuranam – Sanskrit – Anandasram 1900
ASS_042. Taittiriya Samhita with Sayanabhashya Part 1 – Kasinath Sastri Agase 1940
ASS_042. Taittiriya Samhita with Sayanabhashya Part 2 – Kasinath Sastri Agase 1940
ASS_042. Taittiriya Samhita with Sayanabhashya Part 3 – Kasinath Sastri Agase 1947
ASS_042. Taittiriya Samhita with Sayanabhashya Part 4 – Kasinath Sastri Agase 1946
ASS_042. Taittiriya Samhita with Sayanabhashya Part 5 – Kasinath Sastri Agase 1946
ASS_042. Taittiriya Samhita with Sayanabhashya Part 6 – Kasinath Sastri Agase 1946
ASS_042. Taittiriya Samhita with Sayanabhashya Part 7 – Kasinath Sastri Agase 1949
ASS_042. Taittiriya Samhita with Sayanabhashya Part 8 – Kasinath Sastri Agase 1951
ASS_042. Taittiriya Samhita with Sayanabhashya Part 9 – Kasinath Sastri Agase 1947
ASS_043. Vaiyakarana Siddhanta Karika of Bhattoji Dikshita – HN Apte 1909
ASS_044. Bhagavad Gita with Paisachabhashya – Kasinath Sastri Agase 1933
ASS_045. Bhagavad Gita with Gudharthadipika & Subodhini – Kasinath Sastri Agase 1901
ASS_046. Yajnavalkya Smriti with Aparaditya’s Tippani Part 1 – HN Apte 1903
ASS_046. Yajnavalkya Smriti with Aparaditya’s Tippani Part 2 – HN Apte 1903
ASS_047. Patanjalayogasutrani with Vyasabhashya, Bhojavritti & Vachaspatimishra’s Tika – KS Agase 1919
ASS_048. Smritinam Samuchchaya – Anandasram 1905
ASS_049. Vayu Puranam of Vedavyasa – HN Apte 1905
ASS_050. Yatindrmatadipika with Vyakhya – VS Abhyankar 1934
ASS_051. Sarvadarshana Sangraha with Prasthanabheda – VG Apte 1950
ASS_052. Ganesa Gita with Tika of Nilakantha – HN Apte 1906
ASS_053. Satyashada Virachita Srautasutra Part 01 – Kasinathsastri Agase 1907
ASS_053. Satyashada Virachita Srautasutra Part 02 – Kasinathsastri Agase 1907
ASS_053. Satyashada Virachita Srautasutra Part 03 – Kasinathsastri Agase 1908
ASS_053. Satyashada Virachita Srautasutra Part 04 – Kasinathsastri Agase 1908
ASS_053. Satyashada Virachita Srautasutra Part 05 – Kasinathsastri Agase 1927
ASS_053. Satyashada Virachita Srautasutra Part 06 – Kasinathsastri Agase 1927
ASS_053. Satyashada Virachita Srautasutra Part 07 – Kasinathsastri Agase 1928
ASS_053. Satyashada Virachita Srautasutra Part 08 – Kasinathsastri Agase 1929
ASS_053. Satyashada Virachita Srautasutra Part 09 – Kasinathsastri Agase 1930
ASS_053. Satyashada Virachita Srautasutra Part 10 – Kasinathsastri Agase 1932
ASS_054. Matsya Puranam of Vedavyasa 1907 (NEW)
ASS_055. Purushartha Chintamani of Vishnusastri Athavale – Bhaskarsastri Pavagi 1907
ASS_056. Nityashodhasikarnava with Setubandha Vyakhya – Kasinathsastri Agase 1908
ASS_057. Acharabhushanam of Tryambak Oka 1905
ASS_058. Acharendu of Tryambak Mate – Dattatreya Sastri Agase 1909
ASS_059. Shraddhamanjari – Dattatreyasastri Agase 1909
ASS_060. Yatidharamasangrah of Visweswara Saraswati – GS Gokhale 1928
ASS_061. Gautamapranita Dharmasutrani with Mitakshara – Ganesh Sastri Gokhale 1931
ASS_062. Isha to Taittiriya with Visishtadvaita Commentaries – HN Apte 1910
ASS_063. Chandogyopanishad with Ramanujabhashya – Ganeshsastri Gokhale 1910
ASS_064. Brahadaranyakopanishad with Prakasika by Rangaramanuja – SS Venegavkar 1911
ASS_065. Sankhayana Brahmanam – Gulabrao Vajhesankar Chaya 1911
ASS_066. Kavyaprakasa with Udyota of Nagojibhatta & Pradipa
ASS_067. Brahmasutra with Dipika and Brahmamritavarshini – VG Apte 1911
ASS_068. Brihat Brahmasamhita – SS Venegavkar 1912
ASS_069. Jnanarnava Tantram – Ganeshsastri Gokhale 1952
ASS_070. Smrityarthasara of Sridharacharya – Ranganath Sastri Vaidya 1912
ASS_071. Brahadyogatarangini Part 1 – Hanumant Sastri Padhye 1935
ASS_071. Brahadyogatarangini Part 2 – Hanumant Sastri Padhye 1935
ASS_072. Paribhashendusekhara with Tika of Vaidyanatha – Ganeshsastri Gokhale 1913
ASS_073. Gayatripurascharanapaddhati – Ranganath Sastri Vaidya 1937
ASS_074. Drahyayana Grahyasutravritti – Ganeshsastri Gokhale 1914
ASS_075. Bhashhyartha Ratnamala of Subrahmanya –┬а Ganeshsastri Gokhale 1915
ASS_076. Isakenakathopanishadah Digambaranuchari Vyakhya – SS Pathak 1915
ASS_077. Vedanta Sutra Muktavali of Brahmananda Saraswati – Ganesh Sastri Gokhale 1915
ASS_078. Tristhalisetu of Narayana Bhatta – Ganesh Sastri Gokhale 1915
ASS_079. Chandogyopanishad with Mitakshari of Nityanandamuni – Anandasram
ASS_080. Vakyavritti of Sri Sankaracharya with Tika – Ranganathsastri Vaidya 1915
ASS_081. Asvalayana Srautasutra with Vritti of Narayana – Ganesh Sastri Gokhale 1917
ASS_082. Brahmasutra Vritti of Hari Dikshita – Ranganathsastri Vaidya 1917
ASS_083. Samkshepa Sariraka with Subodhini & Prakasika Tikas Part 1 – R Vaidya 1918
ASS_083. Samkshepa Sariraka with Subodhini & Prakasika Tikas Part 2 – R Vaidya 1918
ASS_084. Advaitamoda of Vasudev Abhyankar – KV Abhyankar 1975
ASS_085. Jyotirnibandha – Ranganath Sastri Vaidya 1919
ASS_086. Vidhanamala of Nrisimhabhatta – SS Marulkar 1920
ASS_087. Agnihotrachandrika of Kinjawadekar – KS Agase 1921
ASS_088. Niruktam with Durgacharya’s Vritti Part 1 – VK Rajawade 1921
ASS_088. Niruktam with Durgacharya’s Vritti Part 2 – VK Rajawade 1926
ASS_089. Kavyaprakasa with Sanketa of Manikyachandra – VS Abhyankar 1921
ASS_090. Sankhayanaranyakam – Sridhar Sastri Pathak 1922
ASS_091. Nyayasutra with Vritti – Digambar Sastri Johi 1922
ASS_092. Bhagavad Gita with Ramanuja Bhashya & Venkatanatha’s Tika
ASS_093. Darsapurnamasaprakasa of Vamansastri Kinjawadekar – Ramadikshita 1924
ASS_094. Samskarapaddhati of Bhaskarsastri Abhyankar – VS Abhyankar 1924
ASS_095. Kasyapasilpam – Krishnaraya Vajhe 1926
ASS_096. Karanakaustubha of Krishna Daivajna – VG Apte 1927
ASS_097. Mimamsadarsana Part 1 (with Sabarabhashya & Prabhavyakhya) – Subbasastri 1929
ASS_097. Mimamsadarsana Part 2 (with Sabarabhashya & Tantravartika) – Subbasastri 1930
ASS_097. Mimamsadarsana Part 3 (with Sabarabhashya & Tantravartika) – Subbasastri 1931
ASS_097. Mimamsadarsana Part 4 (with Sabarabhashya & Tup Tika) – Subbasastri 1932
ASS_097. Mimamsadarsana Part 5 (with Sabarabhashya & Tup Tika) – Subbasastri 1933
ASS_097. Mimamsadarsana Part 6 (with Sabarabhashya & Tup Tika) – Subbasastri 1934
ASS_097. Mimamsadarsana Part 7 (with Sabarabhashya & Tup Tika) – Subbasastri 1934
ASS_098. Dharmatatvanirnaya – VS Abhyankar 1929
ASS_098. Dharmatatvanirnaya – Parisishtam – VS Abhyankar 1931
ASS_099. Bhaskariya Bijaganitam of Krishna Daivajna – Dattatreya Apte 1930
ASS_100. Prayaschittendusekhara & Kundarka – Sankarsastri Marulkar 1931
ASS_101. Sankarapadabhusanam Raghunatha Suri Part 1 – SS Marulkar 1932
ASS_101. Sankarapadabhusanam Raghunatha Suri Part 2 – SS Marulkar 1932
ASS_102. Brahmavaivata Purana Part 1 – Vasudevsastri Marathe 1935
ASS_102. Brahmavaivata Purana Part 2 – Vasudevsastri Marathe 1935
ASS_103. Srutisarasamuddharanam with Skt Commentary by Sachidanandayogi – 1936
ASS_104. Trinsachchloki with Vivriti & Tippani – SS Marulkar 1958
ASS_105. Asvalayana Grahyasutra with Vritti of Narayana – Purushottam Sastri Ranade 1936
ASS_106. Dasopanishadah – SS Marulkar 1937
ASS_107. Lilawati with Sanskrit Commentaries Part 1 – Dattatreya Apte 1937
ASS_107. Lilawati with Sanskrit Commentaries Part 2 – Dattatreya Apte 1937
ASS_108. Vyakaranamahabhashya with Udyota Part 1 (NEW)
ASS_108. Vyakaranamahabhashya with Udyota Part 2 (NEW)
ASS_109. Bhagavadgita Prathamadivitiyadhyayau with Advaitankuravyakya of VS Abhyankar 1938
ASS_110. Grahaganitadhyaya of Bhaskaracharya Part 1 – Dattatreya Apte 1931
ASS_110. Grahaganitadhyaya of Bhaskaracharya Part 2 – Dattatreya Apte 1941
ASS_111. Kayaparisuddhi of VS Abhyankar – SS Marulkar 1939
ASS_112. Bhagavad Gita with Sarvatobhadra (Kashmir Text) – SN Tadpatrikar 1939
ASS_113. Madhvatantramukhamardanam of Appayya Dishita – Ramachandra Sastri 1940
ASS_114. Rudradhyaya with Commentary of Vishnu Suri – SS Marulkar 1958
ASS_115. Rasaratnasamuchchayatika of Chintamani – PG Ranade (not found)
ASS_116. Dattakamimamsa with Commentary – SS Marulkar 1954
ASS_117. Brahmasutra Siddhanta Muktavali of Vanamali – Anandasram
ASS_118. Dattakachandrika with Sankari Vyakhya – SS Marulkar 1942
ASS_119. Kalamadhavakarika of Madhavacharya with Vivarna – SS Marulkar 1942
ASS_120. Tithichintamani (not found)
ASS_121. Vyavaharamala – Venkatarama Sarma 1943
ASS_122. Goladhyaya with 2 Tikas Part 1 – Dattatreya Apte 1943
ASS_122. Goladhyaya with 2 Tikas Part 2 – Dattatreya Apte 1943
ASS_123. Laghumaanasam With Commentary by Parameswara – BD Apte 1952
ASS_124. Dharmika Vimarsa Samuchchaya of Vidyasankarabharati Swami – SS Marulkar 1944
ASS_125. Kuttakara Siromani of Devaraja – Balvantraya Apte 1944
ASS_126. Mahabhaskariyam (NEW)
ASS_127. Satakatrayam (not found)
ASS_128. Laghubhaskariyam with Commentary by Parameswara – Balvantrai Apte 1946
ASS_129. Bodhaikyasiddhi of Achyutaraya Modak with Commentary Part 1 – SS Marulakar 1951
ASS_130. Adhanapaddhati – Vaman Sastri
ASS_131. Padma Puranam Part 1 – VN Mandalik 1893
ASS_131. Padma Puranam Part 2 – VN Mandalik 1894
ASS_131. Padma Puranam Part 3 – VN Mandalik 1894
ASS_131. Padma Puranam Part 4 – VN Mandalik 1894
ASS_132. Pasvalambhamimansa – VS Kinjawadekar 1923 (Anandasram)
ASS_133. Sivabharatam of Kavindra Paramananda – Purushotham Sastri Ranade 1930
ASS_134. Siddhantadarsanam with Niranjanabhashya – Sasimohan Smritiratna 1907
ASS_135. Vaiyyakarana Bhushanasara of Kaundabhatta – SS Marulkar 1957
ASS_136. Kamandakiya Nitisara Part 1 (not found)
ASS_136. Kamandakiya Nitisara Part 2 (not found)
ASS_136. Kamandakiya Nitisara Part 3 (not found)
ASS_137. Angatvaniruktih (NEW)
ASS_138. Svaraprakriya with Commentary – KV Abhyankar (not found)
ASS_139. Sivayogadipika of Sadasivayogisvara with Atmavidyavilasa 1907
ASS_140. Suktiratnakarah (not found)


305 Responses to “Anandashram Sanskrit Series (Anandashram Samskrita Granthavali)”

  1. bharateeya says:


    Namaste! If you come across any of the missing volumes of Anandashram Sanskrit Series (mentioned in the above list) in pdf format or in print, please inform me by commenting below this post.

  2. bharateeya says:

    Sincere Thanks

    My sincere thanks to Sri Ajit Gargeswari who helped me by sharing Sangitaratnakara 2 parts, Swaraprakriya, Rudradhyaya & Dattakachandrika.

  3. рдирдореЛрд╜рд╕реНрддреБ рд╢реНрд░реАрдорддреЗ рд╢рдЩреНрдХрд░рд╡рд░реНрдпрд╛рдпред
    рдЕрддреНрдпрдиреНрддрдВ рд╣рд╛рд░реНрджрд╛ рдзрдиреНрдпрд╡рд╛рджрд╛рдГ рд╢реНрд░реАрдорджреНрднреНрдпрдГред

    • bharateeya says:


      рдПрддрддреН рдкреЛрд╕реНрдЯреН рднрд╡рджреНтАНрднреНрдпрдГ рд░реЛрдЪрдд рдЗрддрд┐ рдЬреНрдЮрд╛рддреНрд╡рд╛ рдЖрддреНрдорд╛рдирдВ рдХреГрддрд╛рд░реНрдердВ рдордиреНрдпреЗред

  4. Nandini Ghag says:


    I am happy to see the own website of ANANDA-ASHRAM.
    I want to bye SWARA-PRAKRIYA. Please let me know what is the exact procedere.


  5. Dominik Wujastyk says:

    Thank you for this amazing treasure of Sanskrit literature!

  6. You do deserve the gratitude of all Sanskrit scholars. Thank you for this truly commendable service.

  7. Vishal Agarwal says:

    I have the ASS Matsya Purana. Please email me at vishalsagarwal@yahoo.com

    • bharateeya says:


      I have sent you an email. Please send Matsyapurana PDF.

      • bharateeya says:

        Sincere Thanks


        Received pdf of Matsya Purana, Anandashram edn. Thank you very much for sharing this with me and the visitors of this blog.

  8. Neelakantha Shastri says:

    please send me Angatvaniruktih if anyone have…

  9. Sreenivasan Iyer says:

    i am a sanskrit learner. Recently i completed a one year sanskrit course(weekly 2 days) july 2012 to may2013. the course is over and exams also over most of the students scored above 90%.
    many of them want to continue learning including me. i am happy to read some of your e-books
    you are doing wonderful job in preserving sanskrit.
    best wishes and pranams

  10. ramanath says:

    can you please the complete book of aarya shatakam by mooka kavi? please.

  11. N Siva Senani says:

    Many many thanks. I had been looking for Sabara Bhashya for a while and could not find anything beyond the sixth adhyaya, but now I could access the same, due to your kindness. Thank you so much for making so many amazing books available. I don’t know how this riNa can ever be repaid. рднрд╡рддрд╛рдВ рддрдкреЛ рд╡рд░реНрдзрддрд╛рдореНред

  12. achyutha sastry says:

    really great work, great collections ,people should be indebted to you, beyond thanks

  13. ritesh patel says:

    i m looking for niti manjari can anyone help me to find out.

  14. Sekhar says:

    Iam looking for a pdf version of Bhatta Dipika. Can you please update on that. Btw i have the TSS series, Laghustavi with Raghavanandiya vyakhya. I can send the copy to you.

    • bharateeya says:


      I have sent you links to bhattadipika. please email to me soft copy of TSS edition of Laghustavi.

      • Sekhar says:

        I have sent the copy to your mail. Thanks for the links.

        • bharateeya says:


          Thanks for sending the file. But, there was some confusion. I had received this file from Sri Lalitalalitaji several months back and had uploaded it to archive.org. I did not remember it when I responded to your comment. The file you had sent must be downloaded from archive.org, as it looks identical.

  15. T.M.Gokulakrishnan says:

    Please if anyone can post shikshas which are connected to krishnayajurveda

  16. vamsi says:

    Please mail me if u know about pdf of siddhantajyotishabooks……

  17. narenadra pandya says:

    рдПрддрддреН рднрд╡рджреАрдпрдВ рдорд╣рддреН рдкреНрд░рд╢рд╕реНрдпрдВ рдХрд╛рд░реНрдпрдВ рд╕рдВрд╕реНрдХреГрддрд╕рдореНрдкреЛрд╖рдгрд╕реНрдп рдзрдиреНрдпрд╡рд╛рджрд╛рдГ,
    рдЕрд╣рдВ рд╡рд┐рд╡реЗрдХрдЪреВрдбрд╛рдордгреЗрдГ рдЯреАрдХрд╛рдВ рдкрд┐рдбрд┐рдПрдлрд╝реН рдЗрдЪреНрдЫрд╛рдорд┐ ,рдЕрд╕реНрддрд┐ рдЪреЗрддреН рдХреГрдкрдпрд╛ рд╕реБрдЪрдпрдиреНрддреБ ред
    рдирд░реЗрдиреНрджреНрд░ рдкрдгреНрдбреНрдпрд╛

  18. narenadra pandya says:

    namaskar i want commentary on vivekachudamani. please inform .

    • bharateeya says:

      Narendra Pandya,

      You can download Vivekachudamani with Sanskrit commentary by Swami Chandrasekhara Bharati from Digital Library of India.
      Viveka Chudamani., 1990030070667. Sringeri H.H. Jagadguru Chandrasekhara Bharati. 2005. sanskrit. RELIGION. THEOLOGY. 278 pgs.

  19. H S Chandramouli says:

    in <mundakopanishad shankarabhashya with anandagiri tika and shankarananda's dipika < ASS 008 anandagiri's tika is missing. please check.

    • bharateeya says:


      I checked the file just now. Sankarabhashya and Anandagiri’s tika are there in the book upto page 47 where the Upanishad ends. After this you will find Sankarananda’s dipika on Mundakopanishad.

  20. dear bharateeya,

    i am pleasantly surprised at such a prompt reply. i am indeed grateful to you for the same. confusion still persists in my mind. i was specifically looking for Ananadagiri’s tika on mantra 3-2-6 . evn now i dont find any comments by Ananadagiri at all. am i right in now concluding that he has not found it necessary to offer any comments on this at all as the bhashya itself presumably is considered to be clear. my problem is that while according to my understanding the bhashya is very clear that sanyasa ashrama ( vividisha sanyasa ) is specified as a necessary condition for attaining jnana some of my friends here do not agree with such a view. they have pointed out several views of other swamijis who do not agree with this. they also feel i am taking a very limited view of the bhashya. some have opined that the bhashya refers to vidvat sanyasa and not vividisha sanyasa. in fact i went further that bhagavatpada has cited this particular mantra as one of the shruti vakyas which specifically refers to sanyasa ashrama in his commentary on brahma sutra 3-4-20 ( in answer to the Purvapaksha which claims that sanyasa ashrama has no sanction of the shrutis and is only mentioned in smritis and hence not authoritative ). so i wanted to check with anandagiri’s tika. but now i find that he has not commented on this verse at all. perhaps you can confirm if any portion of the Tika has been left out per chance or ananadagiri has really not commented on this. regards chandramouli

  21. dear bharateeya,

    can you suggest any site wherein issues relating to various topics on vedanta can be put up for discussion. regards chandramouli

  22. bharateeya,

    thank you very much for such prompt response. indeed it is very nice ofyou to be so helpful. regards chandramouli

  23. Raghu says:

    Dear sir,

    I downloaded almost all articles of your website….,it is an astonishing work. Thank you very very very much….please keep on going……

  24. N.R.Ranganathan says:

    Is sankara digvijayam with commentary by Pandit Dhanapati Suri available on net for free download. I shall be grateful if you can give me the link. Thanks and regards,

    • bharateeya says:


      Sankaravijaya with Dhanapati Suri’s commentary is the 22nd book in ASS. It is there in the above list.

  25. Guru Prasad says:

    I am getting this message when i click on any link mentioned above..pls check ..thanks

    Unable to connect

    Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at ia801704.us.archive.org.

    The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
    If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer’s network connection.
    If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

    • bharateeya says:

      Guru Prasad,

      I checked the links just now. It is working. You can try from some other computer or internet connection. You system manager might be able to help you in this. I think there is nothing I can do about it.

  26. Guru Prasad says:


    Thanks for checking. Site is working fine. it was issue on my side. After restarting , i could able to access.. My sincere thanks for all the work you are putting in..thank you..

    Guru Prasad

  27. Dr. Varanakkode Govindan Namboodiri says:


    Sincere thanks for your admirable service rendered to Sanskrit lovers.

    ‘Chelluresa sthothram’ is a sanskrit sthothra kavya praising the main deity Shiva of the famous Raja Rajeshwara Temple in Taliparamba, Kerala. The author of this kavya is unknown.

    According to Sri Ullur S Parameswara Iyer, famous literary historian of Kerala, the author must have lived before 16th century. Sri Iyer introduces the poem as exquisitely beautiful and quotes 4 stanzas from it in his work ‘Kerala Sahitya Charithram’. The sthothram seems be a hitherto unpublished work. About 75 stanzas of this kavya have been procured in a paper manuscript kept at Sanskrit college Tripunithura.

    The stories of Tripura Dahana, Drinking of Kalakooda Visha, Ravana’s uplifting of Kailasa, Conquering of Kaama and Kaala are referred to in this poem. The main sentiment is Bhakthi. Veera, Hasya, Vatsalya etc are also delineated as angas.

    It would be very useful for sanskrit lovers and devotees if this Kavya is published. Will it be possible for you to publish this work in this website with an English translation ?

    Warm Regards,
    Dr. Varanakkode Govindan Namboodiri
    Rtd.Professor of Sanskrit
    Mob: 08281473488

  28. Harshit Shrivastava says:

    Please re-upload ASS-81. The download link is not working.

  29. sandhya jaiswal says:

    thnx for making this website… i am learning basics of sanskrit language… this site helped me to learn the language in deep … because it enabled me to download the books…. thnx again to the makers of this website…

  30. Jaya Prakash says:

    Hari Om,

    Good Work.

    I am looking for Shabara bhasya 12 volumes


  31. Jaya Prakash says:

    ASS_108. Vyakaranamahabhashya with Udyota Part 1 (not found)
    ASS_108. Vyakaranamahabhashya with Udyota Part 2 (not found)
    for these above two link you can download from digital library of India
    Vyakaranamahabhashyam – Part – I., 1990030102976. Nagojibhatta. 2007. sanskrit. RELIGION. THEOLOGY. 266 pgs.
    Vyakaranamahabhashyam – Part – II., 1990
    030102977. Nagojibhatta. 2007. sanskrit. RELIGION. THEOLOGY. 160 pgs.
    ASS_115. Rasaratnasamuchchayatika of Chintamani тАУ PG Ranade

    • bharateeya says:


      I had seen the DLI links for Vyakaranamahabhashyam and downloaded the books, but didn’t get time to post them to the blog. Sorry for the delay. The 3rd link you have given is of ASS 19 – Rasaratnasamucchaya and not that of ASS 115 – Rasaratnasamucchayatika. I have already posted ASS 19.

  32. Jaya Prakash says:


    Can you please share the Sabara bhasya link of 12 volumes.

  33. Vaidehi says:

    I want natya shastra of bharat muni for my M A Sanskrit course from sagar university.

  34. Polok says:

    This is really a contribution…..
    Sir, can you give me the link of any of the texts of Bhavabhatta?………………….. regards.

  35. JYOTSNA says:

    I am looking for laghu-vibhaktyarth-nirnaya of mauni shree krishna bhatta.
    where can I get this book? Its out of print.

  36. Vidyujjihwa says:

    Thanks for the nice collections. Sanskrit version of Devi purana (not Devi Bhagavatham or Saptashati) is not traced in your publications nor do (a)Trivandrum series, (b) Internet archive (c) Tantrik text series etc. Will you kindly provide information on this subject.

    • bharateeya says:


      Devi Purana with Hindi Translation published by Gita Press is available at Digital Library of India. Details are given below.
      Devi Purana [ Mahabhagawat ]., 99999990063597. xxxx. 1975. hindi. Literature. 490 pgs.

      • Vidyujjihwa says:

        Thank you very much for your lightning like response. This is the one I was looking for. It seems the DLI site is responding slowly. But, I shall manage. May Almighty bless you with long life, good health and ample wealth.

  37. Dr Manukumar Sarang says:

    Truly commendable service. Thanks. So many unavailable books are made available here. Great!

  38. milind newalkar says:

    Is there any special books on sankhya yoga sanskrit into hindi? pls reply.

  39. soumya kumar says:

    Respected Sir,

    thanks a lot for providing access to a mine of knowledge. Can you pl guide as to how to get Rigvidhanam by Shaunaka? The DLI copy does not download properly and i found that resuming the download also does not work

  40. Shrinivas Tilak says:

    Namaskar: I am very delighted to find this rare treasure. I am planning to visit here regularly.

  41. BRoy says:

    I have not been able to download the books from your site. Can you pl help Thanks – BRoy

    • bharateeya says:


      Do you mean that you are not able to download books of Anandashram Sanskrit Series? In that case, just right click the titles and save them to your computer.

  42. Dr. Asoka kumar says:

    I really happy to attain this books.

    Thanks to all of you

  43. AVINASH PATEL says:



    Ye book jo anandashram granthalay se prakashit hue he vo mil sakti he?

    • bharateeya says:


      Vrattavartika was published in Trivandrum Sanskrit Series not in Anandashram Sanskrit Series. You can download it from Digital Library of India. Details given below. You can use DLI Downloader (https://code.google.com/p/dli-downloader/) to download books in PDF format, from Digital Library of India.

      the vrttavartika., 1990160083482. sri ramapanivada. 1937. sanskrit. literature. 95 pgs.
      the vrttavartika., 99999990185974. sri ramapanivada. 1934. sanskrit. literature. 94 pgs.

      • AVINASH PATEL says:

        i can not downlod
        i could try to download them from your suggested side DLI but i can not download. please give me another sorce

        • bharateeya says:


          You have to install a software named ‘DLI Downloader’ with which you can download books from Digital Library of India.

          • AVINASH PATEL says:

            Avinash Patel

            Thank you

            i have successfuly download.Now i Will starting research on scriptolodgy.once more thanks

          • AVINASH PATEL says:


            RAMPANIVAD ke bare me janana chahata hu. agar koe book,artical ho to ap muje bataeye.internet pe muje ku6 mil nahi raha he. agar ap koe srot jante he to muje kripaya bataeyega.me apka abhari rahuga.

          • bharateeya says:


            I could not locate any article or book on Ramapanivada. But, all published works of Ramapanivada do have some information on him, in the introductory pages. There is some information about Ramapanivada in K Sambasiva Sastri’s introduction to Vrittavartika. I think you would have already seen this. Adyar edition of Ramapanivada’s “Ushaniruddha Kavya” also has some details about the poet in its introduction. You can download the book from Digital Library of India. Its barcode and other details are given below.

  44. Sarang Limaye says:

    I downloaded folowing file but after downloading it shows file doesn’t export ASS_003. Purushasukta with Sayanabhashya тАУ GB Kale 1952.
    Please help me.

  45. shyama sundara sharma says:

    Bahu dhanyavadahaaaaa…
    Bahu samyak bhavathiiii……
    Aapaneshu api eethaadrushaani pustakani na labhyanthe…..bhavanthaha wed syt ….madhye eeva labhyanthe……dhanyavaadaha

  46. Shreekara Bhat says:

    Do you have book named as “ISHWARA SAMHITA”? If so can you please include this book in your downloadable list.
    Shreekara Bhatta

    • bharateeya says:

      Bhatta Mahodaya,

      There is a text named Paramesvara Samhita at Digital Library of India. If it is the same as Isvara Samhita, you can download it from DLI. Barcode and other details are given below.
      Sri Paramesvara Samhita., 1990010087991. Shri Govindacharya. 0. sanskrit. LANGUAGE.LINGUISTICS.LITERATURE. 438 pgs.

  47. kp singh says:

    рдореБрдЭреЗ рд╕рдВрд╕реНрдХреГрдд рдФрд░ рд╣рд┐рдиреНрджреА рдореЗрдВ рдорд╣рд╛рднрд╛рд░рдд рдЪрд╛рд╣рд┐рдП, рдореБрдЭреЗ рдЧрд╛рдЗрдб рдХрд░реЗрдВ, рдЧреАрддрд╛рдкреНрд░реЗрд╕ рдХрд╛ рди рд╣реЛ
    рдХреЗ рдкреА рд╕рд┐рдВрд╣

  48. kp singh says:

    рдЖрдкрдХреЗ рдпрд╣рд╛рдВ рд╕реЗ рдЙрдкрд▓рдмреНрдж рдкреБрд╕реНрддрдХреЗ рд╕рдВрд╕реНрдХреГрдд рдФрд░ рд╣рд┐рдиреНрджреА рджреЗрд╛рдиреЛрдВ рдореЗрдВ рд╣реИ рдХреНрдпрд╛

  49. kp singh says:

    рдХреНрдпрд╛ рдЖрдкрдХреЗ рдпрд╣рд╛ рд╕реЗ рдЧреАрддрд╛ рд╕рдВрд╕реНрдХреГрдд рдФрд░ рд╣рд┐рдиреНрджреА рдореЗрдВ рдЙрдирд▓рдмреНрдж рд╣реИ рдЬрд┐рд╕рдХрд╛ рдЕрде рдкреВрд░реНрд╡рд╛рдЧреНрд░рд╣ рд╕реЗ рдЧреНрд░рд╕реНрдд рди рд╣реЛ

  50. Murali says:

    ASS_041. Agnipuranam тАУ Sanskrit тАУ Anandasram 1900

    link not correct……..pls check….

  51. Shreekara Bhat says:


    ISHVARA SAMHITA is available under the following link. But it is not downloading full document. Out of some 300 pages 263 pages only are visible. We cannot down the document due to some error in document.
    For acedamic interest you can just go thru the document.

    Shreekara Bhat

    • bharateeya says:

      Shreekara Bhat,

      I saw that link a few days back. I didn’t have any difficulty in downloading it. You can try again.

  52. Srinivasan says:

    Kotishah pranaamaah


  53. Harshit Shrivastava says:

    Sir, I am looking for the Guptavati commentary of Durga Saptasati by Sri Bhaskararaya. Do you have this book?

  54. raj rao says:

    i appreaciate your efforts; god should bless you;
    i have a query;
    have you come across
    raghava yadava pandaviyam; a kavya yielding 3 meanings, for every verse?

    wanted to see pl

    • bharateeya says:

      Raj Rao, I have not come across Raghava Yadava Pandaviyam. If you provide names of its author and publisher, I will try to help you locate it.

  55. Ram says:

    You have done an excellent work.Thank you so much.
    Could you please share with me the links for Bhatta Deepika.
    Thank you in advance

    • bharateeya says:


      I have sent you the links by email. I prefer to share them privately since they were published only in 1980 and are under copyright.

  56. Hemant Bhatt says:

    Sadar pranam sir
    I am looking for Bhrigu Samhita all three parts in Sanskrit and translated in hindi or english sir could you pls provide the link

    • bharateeya says:

      Hemant Bhatji,

      I have not come across complete edition of Bhrigu Samhita on the internet.
      Sanskrit text of Yogavali section of Bhrigu Samhita is available at https://archive.org/details/Bhrigu_Samhita_Yogavali_-_Nandalal_Sastri_1910_Khemraj
      Phalita Part of Bhrigu Samhita in Hindi is available at Digital Library of India. Links are given below.
      Bhrigu Sanhita Paddhati., 4990010055097. N.A. 1949. sanskrit. Astronomy. 714 pgs.
      Sanhit., 2020010004570. PANDITH RAJESH DIXIT. 1635. SANSKRIT. . 650 pgs.

      • Hemant bhatt says:

        thanks a lot sir

        • santosh datar says:

          Sir jay ganesha I am looking for Mandukya Shikhaa with Bhaashya

          • bharateeya says:

            Santosh Datar,

            Manduki Siksha edited by Bhagavad Datta is available at Digital Library of India. There is also a PhD thesis on Manduki Siksha. Links are given below. I could not find any commentaries on it. Are you sure that its commentaries were published by someone? If you know the details, let me know.

            Manduki Shiksha Ka Samikshatmak Addhyan., 5990010889904. Dheeraj Dixit. 0. hindi. Sanskrit. 279 pgs.
            Manduki siksa or the phonetical treatise., 5990010894228. Bhagavad Datta. 1921. sanskrit. Litrature. 60 pgs.

      • Hemant Bhatt says:

        thanks a lot sir for providing me the link and have down loaded the yogavali
        but could not see these //Bhrigu Sanhita Paddhati., 4990010055097. N.A. 1949. sanskrit. Astronomy. 714 pgs.// … //Sanhit., 2020010004570. PANDITH RAJESH DIXIT. 1635. SANSKRIT. . 650 pgs.// the document images downloaded is one blank page only sir could you pls send the full book link sir

  57. Hemant Bhatt says:

    Adarniya Svamiji sir

    thanks a lot for the link sir
    I check the link the downloader Jar file is that but my computer / security does not allow it as it is with malware so could you pls send the other link available sir

  58. hemant bhatt says:

    Adarniya Svamiji sir

    could you pls share the link of Satapatha Brahmana [shukla yajurveda] in sanskrit and hindi translation sir

  59. Nilesh Oak says:


    Do you know about the availability of a book on Dharmashastra ..called ‘Mahabharata Nirnyamruta’. Two verses are quoted by Shankar Balakarishna Dikshit in his ‘History of Indian Astronomy – vol 1 (English translation) on page 108.)

    This book has huge significance for the history of India.

    Appreciate any help or leads you can provide.


    Nilesh Oak

    • bharateeya says:

      Nilesh Oak, I could not find any reference to Niranyamritam on page 108 of Part 1 of History of Indian Astronomy by SB Dikshit in its 1969 and 1981 editions. Did you refer to revised edition? DLI has a book named ‘Nirnayamrita’. Giving the details here – Nirnayaamrutham., 1999990020619. Shrikrishna khemaraj. 1828. sanskrit. Sanskrit. 283 pgs.

  60. Hemant Bhatt says:

    Adarniya svamiji sir
    thanks a lot have downloaded the book once again thanks for the link sir

  61. SUMENDER SINGH says:

    Where can I get Chaunsati Mahamayavi Tantra

  62. Sandeep Malav says:


    where can I get Vivekchudamani in Marathi. download link or from where i can buy.

  63. s sankaranarayanan says:

    Namaskaram. C\Where can I hjave “Sankarachrya charitham’ by Govindanatha of Thanjavur?

  64. Dr.U.R.Giridharan says:

    Dear Sir,
    I intend to do an English Translation of ┼Ъr─л S┼лta Samhit─Б (complete).
    Can you please tell me if any one has done this before, I mean if already any English Translation for the entire S┼лta Samhit─Б is available?

    Thank you very much.
    Kind regards,
    Dr.Giridharan. U.R.

    • bharateeya says:

      Sir, I have not seen a separate book containing English translation of Suta Samhita. But, English Translation of the entire Skanda Purana of which Suta Samhita is a part has been published by MLBD. in the series “Ancient Indian Tradition and Mythology”. You can see the details here – https://www.mlbd.com/BookDecription.aspx?id=1728

      • Dr.U.R.Giridharan says:

        Thank you very much for the information sir.


          I believe that part doesn’t contain suta samhita. I’ve been looking for a copy of this great text in English translation, preferably with tatparya deepika.. either it is in sanskrit it in hindi.. there doesn’t exist even a single English transition of this great text. It will be a great service of this is done.

  65. Priyank says:

    Hello Sir,

    Excellent collection.

    I am trying to find Setubandha – Bh─Бskarar─Бya Makhin. Appreciate if you can guide. Thankyou

  66. Sati Shankar says:

    Can you suggest links for download/provide all the bhashya on Veda including Sayana bhashya? but excluding western indologists.
    I would br grateful.
    Sati Shankar

  67. Jaya Prakash says:

    Hello Sir,

    Can you please share the Shabhara bhashya 12 volumes books link.


  68. Damodara Das says:

    I am searching for:
    1. Commentary of Balambhatta on Yajnavalkya Smrti (full commentary)
    2. Index of Verses (slokas) in different puranas so as to easily search any sloka.
    3. A list of commentaries on different Puranas (wherever available).
    4. Sridhara Svami’s commentary on Visnu Purana (devanagari script).
    5. Smrti Muktavali of Krishnacarya of Madhva Sampradaya.

    Damodara Das
    +91 9737475085

  69. dayalji says:

    I am overwhelmed by the tremendous service done by you to we Indians looking for rare Sanskrit books.The work is beyond thanks-giving.As I am not a scholar in Sanskrit will you please guide me in getting all 4 Vedas translated verse by verse in any of the following languages either in print media or electronic media.
    1) Marathi
    2) Hindi
    3) Gujarati

    with regards
    dayalji gangani

  70. dayalji says:

    So kind of you.
    I am obliged for prompt reply.
    gangani d.g.

  71. Jaya Prakash says:

    Hello Sir,

    Can you please share 12 volume of Shabara swamis book and Mimasa vritti book.

  72. Yogesh says:

    Where can I get Sayanacharya Bhashya or Uvata Bhasya on the Gayatri Mantra and Maha Mritunjaya Mantra. Can anyone please help?


    Respected Swamiji
    your ashram is doing very good job I like it I want Naimittik Karm Prakash published by your ashram before 72 years if it is availeble pl inform me how to get it

  74. Ravi Gokani says:

    Huge collect├нon sir, great work!!!!!
    I need shrimad Bhagwat mahapuran in gujarati. Pls help if possible

  75. Jaya Prakash says:

    Hello Sir,

    This below book is link for Suktiratnakarah
    Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No.cxli., 5990010905197. K Sambasiva Sastri. 1938. Sanskrit. . 396 pgs.

  76. Jaya Prakash says:

    Hello Sir,

    This below book is link for Suktiratnakarah
    Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No.cxli., 5990010905197. K Sambasiva Sastri. 1938. Sanskrit. . 396 pgs.
    secondly in this above mentioned book you can find list of TSS book printed also.

  77. S Holla says:

    рд╢рдВ рдХреГрддрдВ рднрд╡рддрд╛ рд╕рджреНрдп: рд╕рдВрд╕реНрдХреГрддрдкреНрд░рд┐рдпрднрд╛рд╢рд┐рдгрд╛рдореНред
    рд╢рдВрдХрд░! рддреНрд╡рдВ рд╕рджрд╛ рдиреБрджреНрдп: рд╢реНрд▓рд╛рдШреНрдпрдВ рддреЗ рдХрд░реНрдо рдпрддреНрдХреГрддрдореНредред

  78. o.v.ramanayya says:


    I am very grateful to have access to this wonderful web site. You service to the language Sanskrit and its literature is invaluable.
    As you are well aware of the 1131 shakas of Vedas only 7 shakas are existing now . Even then only four out of these seven are now learnt through Guru Shisya parampara. But nothing is known about the remaining vedas which are lost. Can you please shed some light about these vedas (their contents or any thing that is significant ) or any other authentic research work done in this area 0r any book or text available in this area.
    thank you

  79. Praful says:

    This is a wonderful site of Sanskrit books and my compliments for creating this huge repository.
    Do you have the Marathi version or English version of Brhat Brahma Samhita whose Sanskrit version by S S Venegaonkar ( ASS_068) is available on this site. I am ready to buy that book if available.

    Best Regards,

  80. dr.suman says:

    can any one give me link to download panchatantra and hitopadesha with sanksrit n english commentary here ??

  81. mplok kala akademi says:

    your contact number or email required

  82. prahlad says:

    hamko bhrugu samhita old chahiye thi

  83. prahlad says:

    your contact number send my email id ples contact me

  84. Jaya Prakash says:

    The Nitisara., 4990010212852. Kamadaki. 1861. sanskrit. SOCIAL SCIENCE. 154 pgs.
    The Nitisara ., 99999990292694. Kamandaka. 1912. sanskrit. Devotional. 345 pgs.
    The Nitisara ., 99999990320885. Kamandaka. 1912. sanskrit. Devotional. 345 pgs.
    The Nitisara of Kamandaka 1912., 5990010902176. T Ganapati sastri . 1912. sanskrit. Literature. 344 pgs

    • bharateeya says:

      Jaya Prakash, The Niti Sara links you gave are not from Anandashram Sanskrit Series. They are from Bibliotheca Indica Series and Trivandrum Sanskrit Series. i am already aware of the availability of these scans.

  85. khokan bhattacharyya says:

    Respected sir,
    I am looking for bhattadeepika but can not download this book from anywhere. If you kindly send a copy of bhattadeepika to my email, it will be very helpfull for my research.
    thank you.

  86. i b sankar says:

    recently I came across this website. thank you very much for the amazing work.

  87. brijbasi says:

    Dear Sir, thank you very much for such a wonderful repository! We are indebted to you. I would also like to let you and others know that the file “ASS_028. Brahmapurana of Vedavyasa 1895” unfortunately is a mixture of Brahma Purana (pp.1-67 and 588-629 in the PDF file) and Padma Purana (pp. 68-587). So in reality the file has more of Padma Purana than Brahma Purana.

  88. subramanya H C says:


    Thanks and I congratulate for the great work that you have done.

    I wanted guptavati (commentary on saptashathi) if available with translations.

    Please give me the link atleast to download

    With warm regards

  89. G. S. Raju says:

    We are a small group of spiritual enthusiasts, interested in understanding Sayana Bhashya of SAMA VEDA. In addition to Sanskrit commentary, if English commentaries are available, it will help the study group. Can you please help us with links and references.

  90. Dr.K.S.R.C.Murthy says:

    It is a mind boggling collection of Sanskrit works. I want to thank each and every one who contributed to this collection. Not only me, all the Sanatana dharma followers would be thankful to the organization for such a wonderful collection of marvelous books and especially for their free availability. All of us are truly indebted to the organization.

  91. Rohit Gupta says:

    My sincere thanks to your commendable work on sanskrit treasures.could you please upload Appayya diksita’s – sivamahimakalikastuti,sivakarnamrutam,ramasatakam and many more in sanskrit as early as possible.

    • bharateeya says:

      Rohit Gupta, These works of Appayya Dikshita were published only recently in print and are not available in open domain. You will have to access them from some libraries or purchase their hard copies. Collected works of Appayya Dikshita were published in 10 volumes from Hyderabad a few years back. Contact details are given below, in case you are interested in getting them.

      Hony. Secretary, SADGP Samithi
      9-32/1, Ravindra Nagar Colony,
      Hyderabad тАУ 500 007
      Tel Ph No (040)27173445 Email: ragamang@gmail.com

  92. kirti says:

    I am looking for the books related to vedic maths .I have completed my certificate and diploma course in vedic maths. please tell me some books from where I will get advance vedic maths.

  93. Rohit Gupta says:

    Thanks for your reply .could you please help me to locate devotional works of BHASKARARAYA MAKHIN in sanskrit?

  94. Rohit Gupta says:

    How can I download the book STOTRARNAVAH ed. by T.Chandrasekharan in sanskrit?

  95. satish says:


    I wish have a Geeta bhashya authored by Hans-yogi. Will you please let me know a link for this ?


  96. Ramakant Vyas says:

    Sir, i am a Ph.D. student. I want Rasendra Chintamani and its commentries. Please help in this regard.

  97. Rohit Gupta says:

    Could you please help me find STOTRARNAVAH in sanskrit ed.by T.Chandrasekharan.

    • bharateeya says:

      Rohit, I have not seen Stotrarnava on the internet. You may have to buy it from the publisher or access it from libraries.

  98. Yashwant Rangnath Jande says:

    рднрдЯреНрдЯреЛрдЬреА рджрд┐рдХреНрд╖рд┐рддрд╣реНрдпрд╛рдВрдиреА рджреБрд░реНрдЧрд╛ рд╕рдкреНрддрд╢рддреА рд╡рд░ рднрд╛рд╖реНрдп рдЧреНрд░рдВрде рд▓рд┐рд╣рд┐рд▓рд╛ рдЖрд╣реЗ рддреНрдпрд╛рдд рд╕рд╛рддрд╢реЗ рд╢реНрд▓реЛрдХрд╛рддреАрд▓ рд╕рд╛рддрд╢реЗ рдмреАрдЬреЗ рдордВрддреНрд░ рд╕рд┐рджреНрдз рдХрд░реВрди рджрд╛рдЦрд╡рд┐рд▓реА рдЖрд╣реЗрдд рддреЛ рдЬрд░ рдЙрдкрд▓рдмреНрдз рдЕрд╕реЗрд▓ рддрд░ рддреА prakriaya рдХрд│рд╡рд╛рд╡реА

  99. mayank says:

    Namaste sir, kindly provide link for brihat parashar hora shastra by pt. devachandra jha of chaukhamba prakashan. or any bphs in hindi. thanks

  100. Prasad says:

    рд╕рднреА рдорд┐рддреНрд░реЛ рдХреЛ рдореЗрд░рд╛ рд╕рд╛рджрд░ рдкреНрд░рдгрд╛рдо рд╣рдореЗ рдмреАрдЬ рдирд┐рдШрдгреНрдЯреБ рдирд╛рдордХ рдЧреНрд░рдВрде рдХреА рдЖрд╡рд╢реНрдпрдХрддрд╛ рд╣реЗ рдЕрдЧрд░ рдХрд┐рд╕рд┐рдХреЗ рдкрд╛рд╕ рд╣реЗ рдкреБрд╕реНрддрдХ рд╕реНрд╡рд░реБрдк рдпрд╛ рдкрд┐рдбрд┐рдПрдл рддреЛ рдХреГрдкрдпрд╛ prasadtalegaokar@ymail.comрдЗрд╕ рдореЗрд▓ рдкрд░ рд╕рдВрдкрд░реНрдХ рдХрд░реЗ рдХреГрдкрдпрд╛

  101. Sumanth R A says:

    I was looking for the commentary, “mokshaprada”, of Shadguru shiShya on the aitareya aaraNyaka.
    Other works of this author are also needed.

  102. HS Chandramouli says:


    Chinmudra explanation has been given as thumb representing Brahman, forefinger representing jiva and the other three fingers representing the three shariras sthula,sukshma and karana. Who gave this explanation first and in which work?

  103. HS Chandramouli says:


    Vividisha sanyasa has been defined in a particular way in Jivanmuktiviveka of Swami Vidyaranya. However I do find a number of different definitions also given by various commentators like for example Swami Paramarthananda. Is there any other authoritative text where this has been defined? Which is the earliest text where this has been defined? Has Sri Bhagavatpada used this word in any of his works?



  104. HS Chandramouli says:


    I am looking for the work “SidhAnta PradIpika” by Sri Nana Dikshita, a commentary on “SidhAnta Muktavali” of Sri Prakashananda. Where can I download a PDF copy of this work?


    • bharateeya says:


      As per ‘New Catalogus Catalogorum’, this commentary has not yet been published. A manuscript of this text is preserved at Adyar Library.
      But, worldcat has an entry of 1872 edition of Vedanta Siddhanta Muktavali with Siddhanta Dipika of Nana Dikshita – http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/69266045. Name of publisher and editor are not available at this link. So, it is not possible to trace this edition also.

  105. Bireswar Chakraborty says:


    I want to know about the Vedic god Soma and all the Myths related to him (Soma). Please help me. Can you suggest me the link or name of the books from which I can get help.

    Thanks & regards

  106. Deshpande says:

    Namaste,. Kya aap hame rudrapaddhati or rudrachikitsa paddhat granth me bare me khuch vaya sakat hai pl?

  107. Laxmikant Radhakrishnan says:

    can you please publish the list of chaukhamba Sanskrit series books either downloadable or not.

  108. saket kumar ojha says:

    Can i get paishach bhasya gita by sri hanumant. English or hindi translated ?

  109. рд╡рд┐рд░реВрдкрд╛рдХреНрд╖рдВ рдХреМрдгреНрдбрд┐рдиреНрдп рд╢рд░реНрдорд╛ says:

    рдирдорд╕реНрдХрд╛рд░ рдЛрдЧреНрд╡реЗрдж рдХрд╛ рдирд╛рд░рд╕рд┐рдВрд╣ рдкреНрд░рдпреЛрдЧ рдкрд╛рд░рд┐рдЬрд╛рдд рдХреЗ рдЙрддреНрддрд░ рднрд╛рдЧ (рдЕрдЧреНрдирд┐рд╣реЛрддреНрд░ рд╕реЛрдорд╕рдВрд╕реНрдерд╛ рдЕрдкрд░рдкреНрд░рдпреЛрдЧ рднрд╛рдЧ)рдЗрддреНрдпрд╛рджрд┐ рдЪрд╛рд╣рд┐рдП

  110. Aniket Ghivalikar says:

    Namaskar, I want Adya Shakaracharya Gita Bhashya with Marathi tika. please inform.

  111. рд░рд╛рдЬреАрд╡ рдЪрддреБрд░реНрд╡реЗрджреА says:

    рдЬрдп рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓ рд╕рдЬреНрдЬрдиреЛрдВ рдХрд┐рд╕реА рдХреЗ рдкрд╛рд╕ рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓ рдкрдВрдЪрд╛рдВрдЧ рдирд╛рдордХ рдкреБрд╕реНрддрдХ рд╣реЛ рдпрд╛ рдпрд╣ рдХрд╣рд╛ рдорд┐рд▓реЗрдЧреА рдпреЗ рдмрддрд╛ рд╕рдХреЗ рддреЛ рдЙрдирдХрд╛ рдЖрднрд╛рд░ред
    рдпрд╣ рддрдиреНрддреНрд░реЛрдХреНрдд рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓ рдкреВрдЬрд╛ рдкрджреНрджрддрд┐ рдХреА рдкреБрд╕реНрддрдХ рд╣реИред рдЗрд╕рдореЗрдВ рдкрдЯрд▓ рдкрджреНрджрддрд┐ рдХрд╡рдЪ рд╕рд╣рд╕реНрддреНрд░рдирд╛рдо рдФрд░ рдЧреЛрдкрд╛рд▓ рд╕реНрддрд╡рд░рд╛рдЬ рд╣реИред

    рдкреБрдирдГ рдкреНрд░рд╛рд░реНрдердирд╛ рд╣реИ рдЬрд╛рдирдХрд╛рд░реА рдкреНрд░рджрд╛рди рдХрд░реЗрдВред

  112. рдЕрднреНрдпрдВрдХрд░рдХреБрд▓реЛрддреНрдкрдиреНрдирдГ рд╢реНрд░реАрдкрд╛рджрдГ says:

    рдЙрдкрд░рд┐ ASS-120 рдХреНрд░рдорд╛рдЩреНрдХреЗ рдирд┐рд░реНрджрд┐рд╖реНрдЯрдГ рддрд┐рдерд┐рдЪрд┐рдиреНрддрд╛рдордгрд┐рд░рд┐рддрд┐ рдЧреНрд░рдиреНрдердГ рдЖрдирдиреНрджрд╛рд╢реНрд░рдорд╕рдВрд╕реНрдердпрд╛ 2003 рдЦреНрд░рд┐рд╕реНрддрд╛рдмреНрджреЗ рдкреНрд░рдХрд╛рд╢рд┐рддрдГ рдкреНрд░рд╛рдпрдГ ! рдЕрд╕реНрддрд┐ рдордпрд╛ рдХреНрд░реАрддреЛрд╜рдкрд┐! рдпрддрдГ рд╕рдВрд╕реНрдерд╛ рдПрдирдВ рдЧреНрд░рдиреНрдердВ рд╕реНрд╡рдпрдореЗрд╡ рд╡рд┐рдХреНрд░реАрдгрд╛рддрд┐ рддрд╕реНрдп рдореБрдХреНрддреЛрдкрд▓рдмреНрдзрд┐рдГ рдЕрдзреБрдирд╛ рддреБ рдЕрдпреЛрдЧреНрдпрд╛ ! рдЧреНрд░рдиреНрдереЗрд╜рд╕реНрдорд┐рдиреН рдкреНрд░рдердореЗ рднрд╛рдЧреЗ рддрд┐рдерд┐рдЪрд┐рдиреНрддрд╛рдордгрд┐рдГ рджреНрд╡рд┐рддреАрдпреЗ рднрд╛рдЧреЗ рдмреГрд╣рддреНрддрд┐рдерд┐рдЪрд┐рдиреНрддрд╛рдордгрд┐рд░рдкреНрдпрд╕реНрддрд┐ ! рдЕрдпрдВ рдЧрдгреЗрд╢-рджреИрд╡рдЬреНрдЮ-рдорд╣рд╛рднрд╛рдЧреИрдГ рд╡рд┐рд░рдЪрд┐рддреЛрд╜рд╕реНрддрд┐ !

    • bharateeya says:

      I can’t understand the relevance of this comment. These books were published nearly a hundred years ago. And all the scans are of early editions which are free from copyright. So, there is no question of copyright violation in this case. Moreover, there is no link to download ASS-120 Tithichintamani.

  113. Jeetendra u nayee says:

    Plzz bring all this sanskrit books with it’s hindi translation for common people to understand and for studying this vast faculties…..
    Akso i want the tantra vartik of kumaril bhatt on purva mimansa along with its hindi or english translation

  114. HS Chandramouli says:


    Chinmudra explanation has been given as thumb representing Brahman, forefinger representing jiva and the other three fingers representing the three shariras sthula,sukshma and karana. Who gave this explanation first and in which work?

  115. HS Chandramouli says:

    I am looking for the work *Atma jnAnopadesha vidhiH* by Sri Bhagavatpad with tika by Acharya Anandagiri. This has been reviewed by Swami Maheshananda Giri of Sri Dakshinamurthy Mutt also. But I am unable to find the work itself. It does not appear to have been included in your collection of the works of Acharya Anandagiri also. Can you please indicate where I can access this work, preferably in PDF form.


  116. GOPAL UPADHYAY says:

    Helo namaste
    I am looking for Gayatri Purashcharan Padhhadti (Shrimat Shankracharya Virchita)
    Is it available in any format ?

  117. GOPAL UPADHYAY says:

    Helo namaste


    Book number 28 is Bramha purana
    But it is Padma purana file instead just look and do needful & inform me please…

  118. Suman Banerjee says:

    sir,I need chandraloka with Pradyotana Bhattacharyya’s commentary.pls help me..

    • bharateeya says:

      Pradyotana Bhattacharya’s commentary on Chandraloka was published by Chowkhamba in 1929, edited by Narayan Sastri Khiste. I am not sure whether it was ever reprinted. I could not find it anywhere on the internet. You may have to look for it in University libraries.

  119. Tapan shil says:

    Pls sir upload samkhyasara with pdf

  120. рд╣рдореЗ рдХреГрдкрдпрд╛ рдЧреГрд╣реНрдпрд╛рдЧреНрдирд┐ рд╕рд╛рдЧрд░ рдХреА pdf рдорд┐рд▓реЗрдЧреА рдХреНрдпрд╛…..

  121. HS Chandramouli says:

    I am looking for Suta Samhita with Tatparya Dipika translated to english. Can you help with any link ID?

    • bharateeya says:

      Namaste, I have not come across English translation of Sutasamhita with commentary. It seems tatparyadipika has not been translated into English yet.

      There is a Hindi translation. I can give link if you are interested.

  122. Suman Banerjee says:

    sir I am a PH.D. scholar.sir I need “Abhinavabharati” commentary with Hindi translation..So plz give me a link…

  123. N.Ganeshan says:


  124. Bhabesh Mondol says:

    рез..sir sahityadarpana with “рдкреНрд░рднрд╛ рдЯреАрдХрд╛”
    реи.. рдЕрд▓рдВрдХрд╛рд░рд╕рд░реНрд╡рд╕реНрд╡ with Hindi рдЕрдиреБрд╡рд╛рдж
    рей..рдЪрдиреНрджреНрд░рд╛рд▓реЛрдХ with Hindi translation.. рек.. рд╕рд╛рд╣рд┐рддреНрдпрджрд░реНрдкрдг commentary of рд╣рд░рд┐рджрд╛рд╕ рднрдЯреНрдЯрд╛рдЪрд╛рд░реНрдп (рд╕рд┐рджреНрдзрд╛рдиреНрддрд╡рд╛рдЧреАрд╢)ред
    please give me a link

  125. Do you have any books in pdf pertaining to Ayurveda?!!

    • bharateeya says:

      The best place to look for Sanskrit books on Ayurveda is archive.org
      You will find there almost all major texts of Ayurveda.

  126. HS Chandramouli says:


    Can you suggest any link for ” Vedanta Tatvaloka ” by Sri Janardana.


    • bharateeya says:

      It seems Vedanta Tattvaloka is not available on the internet. You may have to get it from University library or through inter-library loan.

      • HS Chandramouli says:

        Pranams. Thanks for the response.

        Can you give me any link for downloading Siddhantakalpavalli, authored by Sri
        Sadashiva Brahmendra Saraswati.


  127. suman Banerjee says:

    sir, I’M in trouble because I need a history of Sanskrit literature book.which has written in sanskrit.so if you give to me sir it really will kill my trouble.

  128. vinod r kotak says:

    рдирдорд╕реНрдХрд╛рд░, рдореИ рднреВрдЬ-рдХрдЪреНрдЫ-рдЧреБрдЬрд░рд╛рдд рд╕реЗ, рд╢рд╛рдВрдЦрд╛рдпрдирдЖрд░рдгреНрдпрдХ рдореЗрдВ рд╣рд┐рдВрджреАрдЕрдиреБрд╡рд╛рдж рдХреЗ рд▓рд┐рдП рдорд╛рд░реНрдЧрджрд░реНрд╢рди рдХреА рдЖрд╡рд╢реНрдпрдХрддрд╛ рд╣реЗ

  129. Rahul Singh says:

    Dear sir, I request you to send me a copy of the nirnayamrita in sanskrit, preferably eith a hindi or english translation, on the following email id “rs19309@gmail.com” .

  130. Kundan kumar vikraant says:

    I want shatapath brahman sayanacharya with hindi translation .. hard or soft anything ..

    Plz help

    • bharateeya says:

      Madhyandina Satapatha Brahmana with Hindi translation & Sayanabhashya has been published in 2 vols by Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya – https://goo.gl/maps/7TojvHqNvYw. Sayanabhashya of Satapathabrahmana has not been translated yet into either Hindi or English.


    Dear Sir,
    Looking for “Jatha” text of taittirya shaka.

    Can you advise where the book is available. Iam refering to one of the Virkutis (pada format, krama format, jatha format, ghana format).

    I am refering to this “jatha” format


  132. RAJESH BM says:


  133. Ramakrishnan V says:

    I am looking for commentary on Udakashanti Mantras, Sooryopanishat & Ganesha Suktam. Let me know if you have them?
    Thanks & Regards

  134. Ramakrishnan V says:

    Dear Sir,
    I am looking for Rig Veda Commentary by Sayanaacharya or others.. Kindly let me know.

  135. Mahesh says:

    Namaste.. Bijaganitavatamsa of Narayana Pandita, Ed. By Shri K S Shukla, Published by Akhila Bharatiya Samskrita Parishad, Lucknow.. Where can I find this book? Mahesh.

  136. Raj kishor singh says:

    I need aranyak series

    • bharateeya says:

      Please search first at archive.org. Several Aranyaka texts are available there. If you are unable to find any particular text, let me know. I will try to help you.

  137. shreya says:


    Need help. Could you please share photo of Pandit Vaman Shastri Islampurkar if available. He was Guru of Shri Saibaba Devotee Dasaganu Maharaj. It would be really helpful…

    Thank u

  138. Srikrishnan says:

    рдирдорд╕реНрдХрд╛рд░рдГ рднрд╡рд╛рдиреН рдордо рдирд╛рдо рд╢реНрд░реАрдХреГрд╖реНрдгрдГ рдЕрд╣рдВ рд╕рд╛рдорд╡реЗрдж рдЕрдзреНрдпрд╛рдпрд┐ рд╕рд╛рдорд╡реЗрдж рдкреНрд░рдХрд╛рд╢рдирдВ, рд╕рд╛рдорд╡реЗрдж рдХреИрдереБрдо рд╢рд╛рдЦрд╛ рдЕрдкрд░рдВ рд╕реВрддреНрд░рдВ рд╕рдВрднрд╛рд╖реНрдпрдВ рдордпрд╛ рдирд┐рдХрдЯреЗ рдирд╛рд╕реНрддрд┐ рддрджрд░реНрдердореН рдЕрд╣рдВ рддрд╡ рд╕рдореАрдкреЗ рд╡рд░реНрддрддреЗ рд╡рд╛ рдЗрддрд┐ рд╡рджрдорд┐ please upload these books

  139. Sriram Karunagaran says:

    Dear Sir,

    I’m looking for Brihadaranyaka Vartikkam with Hindi commentary. Can you please help me locate the book. I can purchase hard copies if available.

    Sriram K

    • bharateeya says:

      Dakshinamurti Math, Varanasi has published Brihadaranyaka Sambandha Vartika with Hindi translation. It is available online at their website.

      I don’t know whether they have published Hindi translation of remaining part of vartika. English translation of the whole vartika has been published by Motilal Banarsidass.

  140. Jayaraman says:

    Dear sir, I am looking for commentary on Udagashanthi mantras in Hindi or English. Kindly advice whether this is available.

  141. I have 120 number book
    Tithi Cintamani

    • bharateeya says:

      I also have it. But, it is a recent edition. So, it cannot be shared publicly. Do you have copy of first edition?

  142. kaivalya shashtri says:

    i m looking for bhrihadaranyaka upnishad with anandgiri tika and bhashya vartiksara. can you pls provide link or pdf version.

  143. Panchal Sarthak says:

    i am looking for “PARAD SANHIT”. Can you pls provide link or pdf version in hindi

  144. Panchal Sarthak says:

    thank you sir, for giving “parad sanhita”
    i am looking for “GORAKSHA SANHITA”,Can you pls provide link or pdf version in hindi

  145. Panchal Sarthak says:

    i am looking for тАЬрд▓рдВрдХреЗрд╢ рд╕рд┐рджреНрдзрд╛рдВрдд” and “рд╕рдореНрдкреВрд░реНрдг рдЕрдЧрд╕реНрддреНрдп рд╕рдВрд╣рд┐рддрд╛ тАЭ,Can you pls provide link or pdf version in hindi

  146. Panchal Sarthak says:

    рд╣рд░ рд╣рд░ рдорд╣рд╛рджреЗрд╡,
    i am looking a book which gives brief knowledge for “рдкрд╛рд░рдж рд╕рдВрд╕реНрдХрд╛рд░”.Can you pls provide link or pdf version in hindi…

  147. Panchal Sarthak says:

    i am looking for” рд░рд╕рддрдиреНрддреНрд░рд╕рд╛рд░ рд╡ рд╕рд┐рджреНрдзрдкреНрд░рдпреЛрдЧ рд╕рдВрдЧреНрд░рд╣” or “рдЧреЛрд╡рд┐рдиреНрджрд╛рдЪрд╛рд░реНрдп тАУ рд░рд╕рд╛рд░реНрдгрд╡”. can you pls provide link or pdf version in hindi….

  148. Sanat Kumar Neuapne says:

    Your Holy and beneficiary works are very appreciable. God bless you for further beneficiary works on our great “Shastras” the establishes our easy approach to thos “Shastras”.

    I’m looking for Brahmasutra Shanker Bhasya and Bibek Chudamni. I’ll be very grateful if you could provide link for download.


  149. Milind pathak says:

    fantastic work and nice group
    can anybody help me to get SAUNDARYA LAHARI OF CHAUKHAMBA ? BIG BOOK with complete commentary and pages around 1200

  150. Nagaraja Rao says:

    I am looking for a book in two parts. Sri Nrisimhiya Parajatha Prayoga. The first part is available in Archieves.Org, but the second part dealing with “Anthyesti and related Shraddha ceremonies.” has been very hard to find. Please if you could throw some light on this.

  151. рдорд╣реЛрджрдп ред рдирдореЛ рдирдордГ ред рдмрд╣реБ рд╕рдорд╛рдЪреАрдирдВ рдкреНрд░рдпрддреНрдирдВ рдХреГрддрдВ рднрд╡рддрд╛ ред рд╡рд┐рджреБрд╖рд╛рдВ рдмрд╣реБ рдЙрдкрдХрд╛рд░рд╛рдп рдЕрдпрдВ рдкреНрд░рдпрддреНрдирдГ редредред

  152. Narayanan says:

    i am looking for Sowra sukhtam mantras in sanskrit with swaras and commentary. I shall be thankful for reply

  153. Krishna Kumar Tripathi says:

    рдирдореЛ рдирдордГ рд╢реНрд░реАрдорд╛рдиред

    рд╣рдо рдмрд╣реБрдд рджрд┐рди рд╕реЗ рдкрд░рд┐рд╢рд┐рд╖реНрдЯ рджрд╢рдХрдо рдФрд░ рдХрд╛рддрд┐рдп рдкрд░рд┐рд╢рд┐рд╖реНрдЯ рджреЗрдЦ рд░рд╣реЗ рд╣реИрдВред рдорд┐рд▓рд╛ рдирд╣реА рдЖрдкрд╕реЗ рдирд┐рд╡реЗрджрди рд╣реИ рдХреА рдХреГрдкрдпрд╛ рдЙрдкрд▓рдмреНрдз рдХрд░рд╛рдиреЗ рдХреА рдХреГрдкрд╛ рдХрд░реЗрдВ ред

    рдХреГрд╖реНрдг рдХреБрдорд╛рд░ рддреНрд░рд┐рдкрд╛рдареА “рдЕрдпреЛрдзреНрдпрд╛ рдзрд╛рдо” ред

    • bharateeya says:

      рджреЛрдиреЛрдВ рдкреБрд╕реНрддрдХреЗрдВ рдкреБрдгреЗ рд╕реЗ рдПрдордХреЗ рд╢реНрд░реАрдзрд░ рдЕрдиреНрдирд╛ рд╢рд╛рд╕реНрддреНрд░реА рдлрд╛рд░реЗ рджреНрд╡рд╛рд░рд╛ рдкреНрд░рдХрд╛рд╢рд┐рдд рдХреА рдЧрдИрдВред рдореИрдВрдиреЗ рдЗрди рдХрд┐рддрд╛рдмреЛрдВ рдХреЛ рдЗрдВрдЯрд░рдиреЗрдЯ рдкрд░ рдирд╣реАрдВ рджреЗрдЦрд╛ рд╣реИред
      рдЖрдк рдЙрдиреНрд╣реЗрдВ рдмреЛрд░реА, рдкреБрдгреЗ рдЧреНрд░рдиреНрдерд╛рд▓рдп рдпрд╛ рдкреНрд░рдореБрдЦ рд╡рд┐рд╢реНрд╡рд╡рд┐рджреНрдпрд╛рд▓рдпреЛрдВ рдХреЗ рдЧреНрд░рдиреНрдерд╛рд▓рдпреЛрдВ рдореЗрдВ рдкрд╛ рд╕рдХрддреЗ рд╣реИрдВред


    SRI RAMA NAMA VANGI /BHAGAVANNAMA PUBLICATIONS., NO.2/3, VINAYAGAM STREET, WEST MAMBALAM CHENNAI 600 033 PH: 044 24893736/8754000600 WEB: namalayam@org email: ramamanthiram@gmail.com

    • bharateeya says:

      Pranams! As far as I know, only two works of Sri Bodhendra Sarasvati have been published so far. They are Namamrita Rasyaanam and Hariharadvaita Bhushanam. In case you do not have any of these, I can share them. Other works of Sri Bodhendra Yatindra are not yet published.

  155. Pranams Bharateeya…sorry for replying you so late…We have so far published Bhavannama Rasodhayam, Hariharaadwaita Bhooshanam, Bhagavannama Rasayanam, besides Lakshmidharas Bhagavnnama Kaumudi and Upameya vivekam of Upanishad Brrummendral (under priting) sofor…Thanks again N.Ganeshan for Bhagavannama Publications(Ph.9444400602)

  156. Hirok Sanyal says:

    Today I came across your site and I am very much impressed. Please accept my gratitude.
    Hirok Sanyal

  157. SunilKumar Bhattacharjya says:

    Dear Sirs,
    I understand that you have an unabridged edition ( with 421 verses) of the KulaChudaman Tantra. Is it possible to get a pdf copy of that?


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