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Category Archive for 'Grammar (व्याकरणं)'

This 2 volume set is an introductory text to Sanskrit grammar & literature. The author has included the cream of Sanskrit literature in every lesson so as to elevate the mind of the students to a high plane of morality and devotion and inspire it with a spirit of respect and reverence for all that […]

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“Laghu Paniniyam”  is a brief introduction to classical Sanskrit grammar, on the lines of Panini. In this text the more important sutras of Ashtadhyayi are so arranged as to bring together the relevant sutras bearing on a particular topic. The author exaplainsin his preface, what motivated him to write this book – “it has always […]

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Vritta Ratnakara of Kedara Bhatta (14th Century CE) is one of the most popular texts on Sanskrit prosody. Though there are many books on Sanskrit prosody by eminent authors like Kalidasa, Kshemendra, etc, Vritta Ratankara continues to be an essential text for Sanskrit students. A speciality of this work is that the definition and illustration […]

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First Book of Sanskrit of R. G. Bhandarkar has been written in a style keeping in view of the needs of students as well as teachers. Each lesson consists of four parts: 1. Grammar 2. Sanskrit Sentences for Translation into English 3. English Sentences for Translation into Sanskrit 4. A Vocablary This book contains as […]

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Second Book of Sanskrit by R. G. Bhandarkar has been prepared exactly as per the plan of the First Book of Sanskrit, which the student is suppossed to have studied and mastered. Each lesson consists of four parts:- 1. Grammar 2. Sanskrit Sentences for Translation into English 3. English Sentences for Translationinto Sanskrit 4. A […]

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A Higher Sanskrit Grammar by M. R. Kale has been prepared with a view to meet the growing educational need of students. Many of the rules given here are translations of the relevant Sutras of Panini. The original Sutras are given in footnotes, where necessary. Sandhis and declensions are fully treated; compounds which dominate classical […]

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The students of Sanskrit often hesitate to use verbal forms while speaking or writing and prefer to use past and potential participles instead. This is because they are not sure whether a certain verbal form they are going to use is correct. Brihad Dhatu Rupavali by T. R. Krishnamacharya which gives all verbal forms of […]

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Knowledge of declensions of nouns and verbs is a must for those who wish to master Sanskrit. This book, authored by K.L.V. Sastri & Pandit L. Anantharam Sastri, is a collection of sabda rupas (declensions of nouns) and has been a prescribed text book in many parts of India for decades. What is Declension in […]

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A Complete introduction to Panini Sutras for the use of beginners. Laghu Siddhanta Kaumudi is a text in which Panini Sutras are so rearranged as to bring together the relevant sutras bearing on a particular topic. The present book is an English translation of Laghu Siddhanta Kaumudi together with comments, references and index. The book […]

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Complete introduction to Sanskrit Grammar in 33 lessons in English as well as Hindi. The author of this book, JR Ballantyne, was an eminent indologist who has authored books on Sanskrit Grammar, Sanskrit Literature and various schools of Indian Philosophy. This book is bound to cater to the need of wider range of readers since […]

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