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Category Archive for 'Other'

The Digital Library of India initiative has scanned and placed online, over 5,30,000 books on various subjects. They are available free of cost from the website of Digital Library of India and its mirror sites –, http://www.new1.dli.ernet.in/ and http://www.new.dli.gov.in/ where these books can be viewed as scanned images. Digital Library of India has recently […]

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In Sarva-darsana-sangraha the author successively passes in review the sixteen philosophical systems current in India in 14th century CE, and gives what appeared to him to be their most important tenets, and the principal arguments by which their followers endeavoured to maintain them. In the course of his sketches, he frequently explains at some length […]

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History of Classical Sanskrit Literature by M Krishnamachariar contains an elaborate account of all branches of Classical Sanskrit Literature on the basis of literary, epigraphical and archaelogical sources. It has 23 chapters, each chapter dealing with a particular topic arranged chronologically. It embodies a general study of the Vedic, Epic, Puranic, classical and philosophical literature. […]

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