‘Samskrita Vaangmaye Visvakosaah‘ by Sanskrit poet Sri. S. Jagannatha of Mysore is an introduction to the encyclopedic works in Sanskrit literature such as (Raja) Manasollasa of Somesvara, Sivatattvaratnakara of Keladi Basavaraja and Laghusabdasarvasva of Paravastu Venkatarangacharya. The present edition of this book is a revised version of author’s monograph on this subject published by Sri Raghavendra Mutt in Mantralaya in 1909.
I want all these kavya mala series n others in tamil version, if possible, sanskrit to tamil ,
Just like dictionary
Is there ganesh purana Sanskrit
Ganesa Purana Sanskrit text – https://archive.org/details/GaneshaPuranam
Do u have kantabharanam (astrology)
Hello Sir
Please connect on mail, want to talk about some books
Dear Sir
can youtell me from where i may download the Silpa-prakasa of Ramacandra Kaula?
AFAIK, this book is not available in the open domain. You may have to look for it in libraries or bookshops.
Thanks aniway
Is there a basic book for samskrita for those who are beginners and interested in learning samskrita
You may begin with “Sanskrit Teacher” which is the ideal book for beginners.
It is available at http://sanskritebooks.org/2010/11/sanskrit-teacher-by-kamalashankar-trivedi-parts-1-2/
You may also contact the nearest centre of Samskrita Bharati organisation. They conduct correspondence courses for beginners and also start reading the Sanskrit periodical ‘Sambhashana Shibira” wherein one can learn to speak Sanskrit.
Link to their website is http://www.samskritabharati.org/
Is any Sanskrit book with linga,vibhakti,samasa relating to Vishnu Sahasranama available? Also,is any Sanskrit to Sanskrit dictionary available in pdf format? Dhanyavad .I am a beginner,but I don’t wish to learn Sanskrit through English.
Most Sanskrit commentaries on Vishnusahasranama give vigraha of samasas. But, details such as vibhakti are not usually found in commentaries, since they are ver basic. Commentary by Sankaracharya is avaialble at https://archive.org/details/37204132ShriVishnuSahasranamaHindiBhashyanuwadSaha/page/n141/mode/1up
For Sanskrit Sanskrit dictionaries, visit http://www.sanskritebooks.org/2009/12/sanskrit-sanskrit-dictionaries-sabdakalpadruma-vachaspatyam/
काव्यप्रकाश (१६ टीकायों के साथ): ज्यात्सना मोहन। पार्ट_१,४,६ चाहिए सर।
We can help only in the case of old publications, which are not copyrighted. Jyotsna Mohan’s edition is a recent publication. You may access it from you University library.