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Tantric Texts Series Edited by Arthur Avalon (John Woodroffe) and published by Agamanusandhana Samiti, Calcutta.

Tantric Texts Series

1. Tantrabhidhanam with Bijanighantu & Mudranighantu – A Tantric Dictionary (NEW)
2. Shatchakranirupanam (Serpant Power) with 2 commentaries – Taranatha Vaidyaratna
3. Prapachasaratantram (reprinted as volumes 18 & 19)
4. Kulachudamani Tantra – Girish Chandra Vedantatirtha
5. Kularnavatantram edited by Taranatha Vaidyaratna (NEW)
6. Kalivilasatantram edited by Parvati Charana Tarkatirtha
7. Shrichakrasambhara edited by Kazi Dawa samdup (Buddhist Tantra)
8. Tantraraja Part 1 commentary by Subhagananda Natha
9. Karpuradistotra with intro & commentary by Vimalananda Swami
10. Kamakalavilasa of Punyananda, commentary by Natananadanatha
11. Kaula & Other Upanishads with commentaries by Bhaskararaya & others
12. Tantraraja Part 2 commentary by Subhagananda Natha
13. Mahanirvanatantram with commentary of Hariharananda Bharati
14. Kaulavalinirnayah of Jnanananda Paramahamsa (NEW)
15. Brahmasamhita with commentary of Jiva Gosvami & Vishnusahasranama Sankarabhashya (NEW)
16. Sharadatilakatantram of Lakshmana Desikendra with commentary Part 1
17. Sharadatilakatantram of Lakshmana Desikendra with commentary Part 2 (not found)
18. Prapachasaratantram Part 1
19. Prapachasaratantram Part 2
20. Chidgaganachandrika – Swami Trivikrama Tirtha
21. Tarabhakti Sudharnava – Panchanana Bhattacharya Tarkaratna
22. Sataratna samgraha, with Sataratnollekhani – Edited by Panchanan Sastri


101 Responses to “Tantric Texts Series Edited by Arthur Avalon (John Woodroffe)”

  1. gokul says:

    Nothing is downloading . Please fix the problem .

    • bharateeya says:


      I checked the links. They are working. These files have already been downloaded more than 1500 times. Out of 22 volumes in Tantric Texts Series, I could not locate ebooks of 5 volumes. Lnks to all other volumes are working. You can right click and save the files.

      • Murali says:

        I want to read Ravana Samhita in English, Where can I get it.. If download is possible, please mention that also.

  2. arun prajapati says:

    Dear Sir,

    me bhuvneshwari rahasya , bhuvneshwari nitay archan paddhati, bhuvneshwari stav manjari book download karana chahata hu , jo ki gondal peeth swarastra ki book he pls koi site ho to batayen

    Reply ↓

    • bharateeya says:


      I have not seen the publications of Gongal Peeth anywhere on the internet. I will write to you if I get access to them.

  3. Vidyujjihwa says:

    Can I get this treatise from any other location?
    “Sharadatilakatantram of Lakshmana Desikendra with commentary Part 2 “

  4. neel says:

    PLs upload Kaulavalinirnayah if possible

  5. Mukesh says:

    Do u have ‘Haadi-Kaadi Tantram, Kaamdhenu Tantram, Bhoot Daamar Tantram’ ? & please tell from where can I get the hindi versions of various Tantra granths & scriptures ?

  6. Rajesh says:

    Dear sir,
    can i get kumarasambhava of kalidasa 5th canto by R.k Panda.

  7. cr bala says:

    Saradatilakatantram. 4990010223394. 4990010223394. Avalon, Arthur, ed.. 1933. sanskrit. RELIGION. THEOLOGY. 1056 pgs.

    This book is complete one.


    • bharateeya says:


      It is not 1933 edition as given in the DLI entry. It is 1996 Motilal Benarsidass edtion and is copyrighted. I am looking for first edition of Sarada Tilaka Tantra published by Agamanusandhan Samiti which is in open domain.

  8. cr bala says:

    But this is available in DLi as Non-Copyrighted books. Can we still use this?


    • bharateeya says:

      DLI has hundreds of copyrighted books. We can read them online or download and read offline, but sharing them publicly is violation of copyright laws. DLI is a central government organization. I has its own policy, which is not an excuse for us to violate copyright of the authors.

  9. Shyam Dambal says:

    Sir I want to teach Sanskrit to my 13 year son. For this I purchased books from Madhwa Kart. Please suggest any other books which can help to get more depth in getting knowledge of sanskrit.
    Thank you

  10. soumya says:

    Where can I found hamsa maheswar Tantra and kali kul sarbasya tantra??

  11. shivohum sharma says:

    mitron se nivedan hai,jis kisi sajjan ke pas mantra mahodadhi
    PDF me uplabdh ho to kripa kar bhejne ki kast Karen -shivohum

    • bharateeya says:

      Shivohum Sharma,

      Mantramahodadhi is available at Digital Library of India. Details given below.
      MANTRA MAHODADHI GRANTHAHA., 2040130049175. . . sanskrit. . 554 pgs.
      Mantramahodadhi., 4990010220657. N. A.. 0. sanskrit. RELIGION. THEOLOGY. 364 pgs.

  12. sm khot says:

    searching for a Sanskrit poem (Marathi) where the mother bird is shot and bleeding due to injury feeding its kids last supper and so on pls help!

  13. Sitaram Sitaram says:

    Theworks and analysation ofhindu ReligionBySirJohnWoodroffe is very much Educative for Spritual loverLike me

  14. sandilya says:

    hi sir where can i found tha book dhoomavathi maha vidya poorvanga and uttaranga mantras.

  15. Ram Sankar Bhattacharya says:

    Sheer pleasure. I had most of the books inherited from my late father. But alas! They became mutilated and worm infected as I failed to take proper care. Space is also another problem. So I have decided to go for eBooks. It works though one cannot have the pleasure of reading a Hard Copy.
    Hearty thanks

  16. Ram Sankar Bhattacharya says:

    Dear Mr.bharateeya, Instead downloading the books one by one, I have decided to grab them through your Torrent link. It is only 2.49 GB. Can you please seed as I am stuck at 38.3%?

  17. ravisaripalli says:

    Sir namaste I want maitrayani pratisakhya

  18. rajeshbm says:

    bharateeyaji, please send me pratijnayaugandharayana of bhasa, as iam a sanskrit student.please help me..

  19. rajeshbm says:

    sir plssss!!! reply me…

  20. Dave dhyan says:

    A many time I found to the santkumar.tantra book in hindi but I not found it so plz help me u have any information or links so plz plz plz reply me

  21. p.v.bhhadrrarao says:


    • bharateeya says:


      Both books are available at Digital Library of India (dli.gov.in).
      Rasratnakarah., 4990010095894. Sindranityanath. 1910. sanskrit. RELIGION. THEOLOGY. 970 pgs.
      Anandkandam., 5990010121401. . 1952. sanskrit. Literature. 817 pgs.

  22. anand mohan says:

    Please give me the Address to buy a book named “Tarabhakti Sudharnava – Panchanana Bhattacharya Tarkaratna”. I am a constant visitor of your e-books.
    If possible please give the online shop retailer who can provide this book.
    I am a Residence of Kolkata distt:Hooghly

  23. sir my request pdf or other site tariniparijat,mamsatattvavivek,smritisar,matsyasuktam,uttartantram andmahishamardinitantram giv me.

  24. P T KUlkarni says:

    Really Thanks for treasures of our Hindu Sanskriti & gives immense pleasure
    to know our the Tantra shastra in detail. Once again thanks.

  25. Jaya Prakash says:

    The saradatilakam., 5990010121731. Laxmandeskendra. 1934. sanskrit. Literature. 596 pgs.

  26. Vamsee says:


    I am looking for Sarada Tikala tantram vol 2.
    Is it found? Please let me know.
    Will be much appreciated.

    Thank you,

    • bharateeya says:

      Vamsee, I could not locate first edition of volume 2 of Sarada Tilaka Tantra anywhere on the internet. 1982 reprint of the complete Sarada Tilaka edited by Arthur Avalon is available at Digital Library of India (dli.gov.in)
      Sarada Tilaka Tantram., 5990010903873. Arthur Avalon. 1933. english. Literature. 1054 pgs.

  27. Sunil says:

    Dear Sirs,
    l am looking for the unedited version of ‘Kali Sahasranaamam’. Currently, I have an edited version of the same. The ones who posted it on internet have removed about 50 Shlokas from its ‘Phalashruthi’ part because those Shlokas are of tantric nature. So I am looking for the full version which includes these 50 Shlokas as well. Could you help me get it?

  28. soumyadeep says:

    sir please can you upload or give any link or other way to get matsyasukta tantra???

  29. soumya says:

    I sincerely wish the Sanskrit text of Kulaarnava Tantra is available with somebody here in. If Devanagari script is not available, its all right, Sanskrit in English script will do. Kindly send the link if this is available on the Net.

  30. Raaghu says:

    5. Kularnavatantram edited by Taranatha Vaidyaratna (NEW) and 15. Brahmasamhita with commentary of Jiva Gosvami & Vishnusahasranama Sankarabhashya (NEW) …. are same!!

  31. Bhusura says:

    Namaste Sir

    Could you please provide the link for any of the following books
    1. Guhyanama Sahasranama
    2. Ganesha Yamala
    3. Ucchishta Ganapati Pujavidhanam
    4. The Glory of Ganapati

    • bharateeya says:

      Bhusura, I could not find any of these texts on the internet. By the title ‘the glory of Ganapati’, if you meant ‘Herambopasthanam’ by Kavyakantha Ganapati Muni, I can give you link to its Sanskrit text.

      • Bhusura says:

        Thank you Sir.
        If at all you come across any of these titles. Please let me know.
        And yes I am looking for Herambopasthanam. Please provide the link.
        If possible send the english link also.

        Thanks for your time and energy

  32. Raaghu says:

    Is it possible for you to upload “RUDRAYAMALA TANTRA”

    Thank you.

  33. prakash says:

    Hi Sir this is prakash..can you send me the link for 1.Jnanarnava Tantra,2.Tripura rahasyam and 3.Chandi Vyakhyanam.Please sir it’s urgent.

  34. கார்த்கேய சிவம் says:

    அத்யத்புதம் நமஸ்காரங்கள்
    எனக்கு ஸஹஸ்ர மந்த்ர சார சங்க்ரஹம் , ஸஹஸ்ர மந்த்ர சங்க்ரஹம் 3 பார்ட்டும்வேண்டும்
    எப்படி வாங்குவது என உதவுங்கள்

  35. prakash says:

    Hello sir 🙂

    I need another texts of JEERNODHARANA PRATHISTHA and PUNAHPRATISHTHA KALPAM..could you please help me sir..Thank you

  36. prakash says:

    Can Anyone provide me Varahi Sahasranama Stotram..Namastey

  37. Ficus says:

    Hello Sir.

    I want know how can i get a spanish version of Shakti and Shakta 1918’s publication and one more in spanish too about the book Principles of tantra, i already have El poder serpentino but for a full study those are necessaries.
    Thank you Sir.

  38. Deepak kasture says:

    Hello sir,
    Where can I find a guru for sadhana will be grateful to you for guidance.

    • Dr K L Mahajan says:

      Deepak, An intense longing for the guru is very rare thing. Sadhana can be of many types. but still I can suggest you to get in contact with Isha Yoga Center, Velliangiri foothills, Coimbtore. At least many of your doubts will get cleared. And after all you may find Sadhguru.

  39. Sathees chandran says:

    Can any one help me to get bhuthanathopakhyanam sanskrit and also keralachara Deepika.

  40. Suraj Varma says:

    I want a book named hasthaayrveda
    Anyone pls help me

  41. vishnu says:


    I am looking for siva samhita, vigyana bhairava books. Many thanks in advance.

  42. Gokulananda Pattnaik says:

    Really its very helpful. Thanks a lot.

  43. Gaurav deshpande says:

    I want pdf for Matsya Sooktam. Can you please help

  44. Arjun says:

    is gupta sadhana tantra available?

  45. Doug says:

    Are these all in sanscrit?
    Are there any English translation?

    • bharateeya says:

      All are in Sanskrit only. Arthur Avalon’s English translations of some of the texts are available at archive.org, but not as part of this series.

  46. Rajeswari says:

    Sir,I want karmavibagam book in English. Where I can get it? Please help me.

    • bharateeya says:

      I could not find any info on Englsih translation of Karmavipaka. You may read volume 4 of History of Dharmasastra by MM. PV Kane, wherein he deals with Karmavipaka in Engslih. History of Dharmasastra volumes are available at archive.org.

  47. Gaurav shendre says:

    I want to read rudrayamala tantra.i got rudrayamala uttar tantra which is incomplete. Please make available for me complete rudrayamala tantra.

    Thank you

    • bharateeya says:

      Of the Rudrayamala Tantra, only the Uttaratantra is available to us. Purvatantra has not been found till now.

  48. Gaurav shendre says:

    I want “Sarv mantra yantra tantra utkilan stotra in rudrayamala tantra.
    Please provide me that complete stotra with complete vidhi.

    Thank you

  49. Gaurav shendre says:

    Thank you very much sir

  50. Shashwat Pandey says:

    I want Soundarya lahari of swami charanteerth maharaj Gondal prakashan 1969 edition.

  51. Namaskaram,

    would appreciate having these sacred texts with English translation

  52. Amarnath Rao says:

    Hi sir do you have Kalika kula sarvasva please send tq

  53. PMReddy says:

    Is there any text regarding Cobra stone diamond(nagamani)and how to use it.

  54. amarnath says:

    Sir raktashaya raktavarnaa these names not found in shayama rahasya in kalika sahasranama but they are in kalika sahasranama by vavilla. why these differences.If you have kalika sahasranama please send

  55. Subaryan says:

    Volume 22 Sataratna Samgraha pegs. v-viii are missing. Is there a way to get the missing pages. Thanks

  56. Machiavellian Hindu says:

    I have found the seventeenth volume on archive.org. Please add it to the list https://archive.org/details/SharadaTilakTantraPartIIVol.XVIIArthurAvalon/page/n1/mode/2up

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