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Siddhanta Kaumudi is a celebrated Sanskrit commentary by Bhattoji Dikshita (early 17th century) on the Ashtadhydyi and is believed to be more popular than Panini’s work. It re-arranges the sutras of Panini under appropriate heads and offers exposition that is orderly and easy to follow.

The sutras are arranged in two parts – the first part deals with the rules of interpretation, sandhis, declensions, formation of feminines, case endings, compounds, secondary derivations and the second part with conjugation, primary suffixes, Vedic grammar and accents.

English translation of Siddhanta Kaumudi by Srisa Chandra Vasu is highly useful to students of Sanskrit grammar who are not capable of studying the Ashtadhyayi or Siddhanta Kaumudi with the help of Sanskrit commentaries.


27 Responses to “Siddhanta Kaumudi English Translation by Srisa Chandra Vasu”

  1. A says:

    Wonderful. Thank you! I’m currently trying to memorize the Ashtadhyayi, and the Siddhanta Kaumudi will certainly come in handy.

  2. Priyananda says:

    I don’t see download link here.

    • bharateeya says:


      I checked the post just now. Download link is there at the bottom of the post as usual.

  3. Keshav C. says:

    Unfortunately, the first part of the 2nd volume is not fully scanned. More than 100 pages missing, while it is very interesting material.

    • N.Balasubramanian says:

      yes i dont get to see the down link for downloading the 2nd volume of this great book. please help.

  4. Kushal dev says:

    I will certainly become a samskruta vidwan and re born it in india

  5. narashiv says:

    its realy nice

  6. abhay says:

    aapne sarahneey kary kiya hai! dhanyvad

  7. Anand says:

    shree Gurubyo namha
    This is such a wonderful site having lots of inforamtion on sanskrit & the works based on sanskrit. Truely i am proud to be born in INDIA having such wonderful culture, tradition. I am very much interested in learning sanskrit, as i am still begineer in this course ,i request to guide me properly so that i can gain knowledge on sanskrit.
    I also pray to god and the scholars of sanskrit to save this beautiful, ancient language. Sanskrit is the mother of all languages.

  8. suji das says:

    wow! its really nice .i have downloaded it and i have shared it with my friends thank you very much

  9. I am thankful for the availability of this site, I desire learning Samiskrit at the age of 55.

  10. rakant says:

    balmarorama cometrey plz uplod

    • bharateeya says:


      Siddhanta Kaumudi with Balamanorama in 2 parts is available at Digital Library of India.
      The Siddhanta Kaumudi., 5990010098554. . 1910. sanskrit. Literature. 1006 pgs.
      Siddhantha Kaumudi with Balamanorama commentary uttaradham., 1990020083230. Dikshitha,Bhattoji. 1910. sanskrit. LANGUAGE. LINGUISTICS. LITERATURE. 852 pgs.

  11. Kovammal says:

    Please arrange to get a copy of this book..can anyone help me to get a copy of this book

  12. Kovammal says:

    can anyone help me to get a copy of this book

  13. img says:

    I just tried it, and the download link is broken. Could someone please point me to a working link? Thank you.

  14. srivathsan says:

    siddantakaumudi by sc vasu.it says 8 vols.but only 4 are there.what about the rest ?

    • bharateeya says:

      It is written at the end of 4th part, ‘Here ends the Uttararddha of Siddhanta Kaumudi’. So, the set is complete.

  15. Madhav says:

    Can I download some Sanskrit books free of cost? I am a retired professor of Tribhuvan Unversity Nepal

    • bharateeya says:

      Sir, every post on this blog contain links to download Sanskrit ebooks. Please look for the links at the bottom of the posts. When you click on the ‘download’ link, a new page will open. You will find the direct links to books there. Please write again if you face any difficulty.

  16. the print is not readable.i want to use it for my course studies; but it is not in a readable form;very strenous;
    kindly post a better copy.
    thank you Sir.

  17. vasantha says:

    I want the book sidhantakoukmudi by bhatojideekshith. Where can I get. Please write the address.

  18. yuvra panthi says:

    Thank you! For your attempt to facilitate the sanskrit language for the west, who do not know easternal language and litrature.

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