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The Arthashastra is an ancient Indian treatise on statecraft, economic policy and military trategy authored by Chanakya (350-283 BCE).

Chanakya, also known as Kautilya or Vishnugupta, was an adviser and a prime minister to the first Maurya Emperor Chandragupta, and architect of his rise to power. Other important works of Chanakya are ‘Chanakya Sutras’ and ‘Chanakya Niti Darpanam’.

R. P. Kangle defines Arthashastra as “science of politics,” a treatise to help a king in “the acquisition and protection of the earth”. This text is divided into 15 books:

01 Concerning Discipline
02 The Duties of Government Superintendents
03 Concerning Law
04 The Removal of Thorns
05 The Conduct of Courtiers
06 The Source of Sovereign States
07 The End of the Six-Fold Policy
09 The Work of an Invader
10 Relating to War
12 Concerning a Powerful Enemy
13 Strategic Means to Capture a Fortress
14 Secret Means
15 The Plan of a Treatise

source of e-text: www.bharatadesam.com

DOWNLOAD Arthashastra of Chanakya – English



125 Responses to “Arthashastra of Chanakya – English Translation”

  1. Jagat Kunwar says:

    Thank you very much.In this age of extreme commercialism, god bless you (if you believe that is) for providing these rare books for free!

  2. pramod Bhat says:

    thank you very much! i never thought i can get these books for free ….great work!

  3. Ajit says:

    Thank You very much Sir, this book is great indeed!

  4. Vamsee says:

    Thanks a lot for this book.
    Really appreciate your work.

  5. Amit Kumar says:

    Thank you very much for providing such a great book …. so that person like me can read it ..

    Thanks a lot for your great deed.

  6. Basavaraj Goudar says:

    Thanks a tonn Shankara.

    Basavaraj Goudar,

  7. Arpan says:


    I really wanted dis book..

    thank you thank you thank you..

  8. abhishek says:

    thanks a lot …………….

  9. vijay says:

    thanks i never thought that i will get this book at this much ease

  10. Nirmal Paul says:

    Thank for the access to download this book;

  11. bappaditya says:

    realy i never thought get this book…

  12. vineesh warrier says:

    it is helpful for Sanskrit students
    god bless

  13. Prof. Nitin C. Patil, Tala, Raigad, M.S. says:

    I can’t express my gratitude in words. I’m speechless to get this original script which is a great trasure a student of Politics like me. Thanks a lot. Kindly publish other such scripts in scanned form e.g. Veda, Upanishadas n so on.

  14. Mani says:

    Thanks a ton! You are doing a great service by making it accessible to all interested. It is a book of real substance which truely opens up your mind. Really appreciate..

  15. M. Nageswara Rao says:

    Is the following verse from Kautilya’s Arthasastra? If not, what is its source?
    “dhanam arjatu kaakutsa dhanam moolam idam jagat; antaram naiva janami nir dhanyasa mruthyasacha”

    Thank you.

    M. Nageswara Rao

  16. sumit says:

    thank u for providing such a rare text

  17. vinayak says:

    I wanted to know name of the shastra which contain about weapons and physics.By this I wanted to improve this Bharatadesa in modern techniques.
    I am very thankful if you say where can I get in Hyderabad Andhra pradesh

  18. Nilesh Ugale says:

    Help me Please.i am not able to download the english book.
    Will Someone please send me the download link?

  19. shri says:

    Please help me to download this great book. Thanks in advance.

  20. njb says:

    thanks for this documents

  21. Santosh patnaik says:

    Thanx a ton, its a great book & a splendid work done by making available the wonderful ebook.Once a Thanx alot.

  22. nitananda pradhan says:

    thanks alot

  23. Rashmi says:

    Thankyou.. Thankyou..
    I can understand how much this book has been imbibed by you, by this very act of making this Gem of books freely available to the seeker. You are a person i would like to associtate with. Thankyou Friend. Hi five!!

  24. Rashmi says:

    Thanking you once again.
    I could not download the sanskrit version. could you please check the link !

  25. Rashmi says:

    Thankyou i got it !
    Again thankyou !

  26. sanjay says:

    Thanks a lot for offering such a rare book without charge.

  27. anjali says:

    thanks you very much.this is a rare book which i’ve being searching and it helped me a lot.

  28. anjali says:

    could you please help me in finding chanakya’s nitishastra.

  29. Rupali says:

    Thank you very much for the book. God Bless!!!

  30. bhargavi says:

    Its really awesome sir.. Thanks for the book

  31. Vishal says:

    Thanks mate highly appreciated

  32. UMASHANKAR.R says:

    Thanks a lot. My whole Hear-ted Thanks. I wish you all the best. Thank You once again.

  33. Velu Pandian says:

    Thank you so much for posting such a great book for free! For some reason I am ot able to download the book via your link. Could you kindly email me the English Translation to “rakave@gmail.com”.

    Much appreciated.

    Once again, thank you.

  34. sridhar says:

    pls send me a email like of the artha shastra the english translation.


  35. S Vinoth says:


    Thanks for the Link/ pdf. Just downloaded and going to start reading!!!

    Many Thanks
    S Vinoth

  36. priyanka says:

    thanks a lot for the posting

  37. Avinash says:

    Thanks a lot friends 🙂

  38. Janmejaya Mohapatra says:

    So many thanks for your superb endeavour…

  39. Satish says:

    I haven’t got any words to express my gratitude for ur service and plz sir keep posting good books like bharatam etc

  40. A K Thakur says:

    A very good contribution….. God bless u!

  41. Thanks for this priceless treasure!

  42. sumit says:

    Thanks for the great help. Cant ask for more.

  43. valender nsik says:

    Thank you very much sir for your precious gemstone

  44. Nabi Hasa says:

    Plz mail me this chanakya’s arthshashtra book on this mail id – nabi.hasan761@gmail.com

  45. sreelatha says:

    thanks is a very small word to express but from the core of the heart thank you so much for this great work. downloaded Kautilya Arthasastra. priceless efforts.

  46. Lalit says:

    Thanks, the wisdom of the past is worth learning and nothing can ever replace the value of the original… hats off…

  47. sakthi says:

    pls help me to downlond this verson by english, unbale to do it…. pls help

  48. Lalit says:


    Loved the blog and thanks for the great book..

    Do you know/ have RP Kagle’s Book on the sunject please??

    Looking desperately for it..

    • bharateeya says:


      Out of 3 volumes of Arthasastra translation by RP Kangale, first two are available at Digital Library of India. Links are given below.
      kautiliya arthasastra pt.2., 99999990840951. kangle, r.p.. 1963. english. ancient india, economic conditions. 640 pgs.
      the_kautiliya_arthasastra_part_1., 2020010008652. r p kangle. 1960. sanskrit. NULL. 388 pgs.

  49. Lalit says:

    Well thanks for the quick reply

    but i could not see/ download.. hence was the request

    also im more interested in Part III of the book ..

    if you could help me please…

  50. k srinivasarao says:

    chanikya telugu vertion kavali ela pondagalanu

    dayachesi telapagalaru

    ela download cheyali

    • bharateeya says:

      Srinivasa Rao, You may search at Digital Library of India – dli.gov.in
      Since I don’t know Telugu, I cannot help you much in this matter.

  51. pavani karani says:

    Thank u,i felt really very happy while getting to read them,once again thanx a lot

  52. Aniruddh says:

    sir the link to download the Sanskrit edition is volume 1 2 3 right? but I have a doubt are they separate each analysed by separate authors or all are by same author! kindly reply! I wan to download the Sanskrit edition! also if they are of same author then till volume three u have uploaded right is it the end of arthashastra or more to come?

    • bharateeya says:

      Aniruddh, They are 3 volumes of the same set. They contain Arthasastra with Sanskrit commentary by T Ganapati Sastri published in Trivandrum Sanskrit Series.

  53. Maxwel Lopes Lecturer in NM College says:

    Thanks so much 4 sch a precious book at free of cost

  54. Monika says:

    This website is amazing! Thank you for free ebooks 🙂

  55. ajay krishna says:

    This Website is Amazing could get the Arthashastra book . great job by the creators of this site , please update us with the older things and our country’s history .And Thanks for the free E books .

  56. Prasad NN says:

    Please send me e-copies of Arthashastra and other Indian historical books covering Indian history till British

  57. Chandrahas Kasina says:

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  58. Indranil Ghosh says:

    thank u very much for doing such an excellent job , i never think that i can get such type of books in free…

  59. faizhussain says:

    The book is really nice, its a piece of Indian history and hence should be read by each and every Indian. Thanx for the book, really appreciated

  60. waqar ahmad says:

    Plz help me how to download arthashastra

    of chanayka

  61. Sethu says:

    Dear Sir,

    Thank you for Arthashastra pdf, one can get excellent touch of our vedic culture.. since it will be great if we can get in other languages too.
    Kindly please help me to get Arthashastra in TAMIL PDF form.

  62. saurav yadav says:

    thank you for helping curious minds like us, and keeping alive age old traditions of india by providing such books to today’s youth, who hardly get any knowledge of ancient india’s richness in philosophy,science,culture,economy,etc. due to dominance of western culture, philosophy and ideology.
    a big thanks……..

  63. sm shiva says:

    Thanks for such a great book for the World.

  64. Dr.Harihara Sreenivasa Rao says:

    Thank you very much.It helps me in my rehearse work on Hydrology especially on rain gauges, rules and duties to be carried out by the king with respect to building of tanks, taxation on Agricultural products, Rain forecasting, Soil of various categories etc., It is worth here to say that was referred to say that Hitler used to refer every day this great work and implemented most of the rules and regulation in Germany during his tenure. Secondly it was first discovered Sri Shyama Sastry at Mysore Oriental Library. Thirdly when Nalwadi Krishna Raja Vodeyar visited Germany it was through this book he was recognized as Indain King belongs to Mysore State. When Vodeyar himself wonder stuck to hear the name of GREAT SCHOLAR Sri Shayama Sastry. After returning to Mysore he searched for the SCHLOR SRI SHAMA SHAYAMA SASTRY and honored him as Asthan Widwan! It is because of this great Schlor The Mahan Kautilya was brought to light of the World Areana. I thank Sri Ganapathi Sastriji and you also for re-establishing the Vision and Visdom of India to publish in this Media.
    My heartful thanks to you,
    Dr.Harihara Sreenivasa Rao, Hydrologist, Bangalore.

    • Panneer Selva Mudaliar C says:

      You said is correct.Shama Shayama Sastry was a great scholar who had indepth knowlege both in Sanskrit and English.Whenever I read his translation,forgetting me,I used to swim in that translated ocean.I love him.He is a ladder. On him I have climbed on his shoulder as you.As a Hydrologist you have implemented his scintific knowledge practically in your endevour.Please try to explore AS still more and write a commentary on the relevent Books of Hyderological Interest and Fort Construction.Panneer Selva Mudaliar C 93600 32478

  65. Tushar says:

    Thanks a ton!! you have spread deep knowledge in this age of technology! Lets enlighten ourselves

  66. Col Vishwas Asolkar says:

    I would be happy to get a copy of this book. As this is required for my new work on a work that I am preparing titled as New Avenues to Modernity’
    Thanks in anticipation of the favor. Regards

  67. farhaan ahmed says:

    Thanks indeed for sharing the link. Was wondering if there is an institute that teaches complete Arthashastra through online or maybe the traditional classroom? Finally, is there a link available to the english translation of Chanakya Neeti Shastra? If so, kindly share.

    Appreciate your favor

  68. kaleshwar says:


    can u help me to find Chanakya Neeti (English) 01 Edition book for free download

  69. JORGE TORRES says:


  70. santhosh kumar hg says:

    thank you very much sir , for freely giving this book…

  71. Yashpal Vyas says:

    Dear Friend,

    Thank you very much for providing these gems of India online for free. You are doing great job. Please keep it up. Wish you all the best. Thank you once again.

  72. Abdul Muqeet says:

    Where I can get all books of chanakya , please let me, if it is available on internet , please send me link to mqtsagri@gmail.com

    Thanking you
    Abdul Muqeet

  73. rajkumar dhurve says:


  74. can anybody tEll me how many slokas have in arthashastra?

  75. devdas saket says:

    chankya and vidure niti and ethics

  76. manash says:

    great work sir

  77. Revathi says:

    Very pleasure to see all your interests on Arthasastra…

    Bharateeya, Could you please send me the book in english translation

    My mail id is revathiviswa428@gmail.com

  78. Chinmay Mandal says:

    Thanks a lot!!!

  79. Janardhan says:

    thank you very much sir…

  80. Arun says:

    Hi sir

    Can u send me a copy to my email I’d to arun.bdb@gmail.com


  81. Rameshkumar says:

    I like this arthasastra books in English version could you please send me the Tamil version pdf file.

  82. Kanaga says:

    u did a great job, but i need both artha sasthra and niti sasthra in tamil, because, i get the information in my language, it will be more effective and truly understand the concept 100%. then only it will give the complete meaning to my life. please arrange and send it to my email id, expecting the books in tamil soon. thanks

  83. Madhavan says:

    Thnx for the priceless stuff.
    I’ve just got the book, is it all ?? Or is it having any more volumes ??

    And by the way,
    I hope you know Sanskrit, can I get the meanings of

    I know it’s totally stupid to ask you like this,but I’d be very much thankful to you.

    You can write me on WhatsApp @ +91 9494826558.

    or please, suggest me a book where I can get the meanings of the above words!!.

    • bharateeya says:

      You may refer to the website Sanskrit Lexicons – http://www.sanskrit-lexicon.uni-koeln.de/

      • Madhavan says:

        No way!!
        You’re awesome.
        ? Thnx for writing back.
        I’m checking what the link you gave..
        In a sec..

        • Madhavan says:

          There are like 12 Sanskrit to English, and 3 English to Sanskrit and some special category dictionaries …
          Tried all.. found nothing..
          Thanks for your concern, could you tell anybook that contains Sanskrit plant names, please..
          Cause, all the three (Trinemri, Raagini, Vetrayasti) I wrote above are plants. I guess!!

          • bharateeya says:

            While searching in online dictionaries, spelling is very important.
            Vetrayashti is there in Monier Williams dictionary.

            Vetra-yaṣṭi, is, m. f. a staff of reed or cane.
            Ragini is Ragi (finger Millet) as per Sabdataravali, a Malayalam dictionary.

            I could not find the meaning of Trinemi (I think this could be the correct name).

            Giving below titles of some books dealing with Indian plants:
            1. Bharatiya Vanaushadhi by Biswas & Ghosh
            2. Flora and Fauna in Sanskrit Literature by SC Banerji

            In addition to the above there a number of books on Indian medicinal plants. You can find details by searching at worldcat.org.

            For such queries, the best place is Bharatiya Vidvat Parishat Google group. If you post a query in the group, the learned members of the group will help you.

          • Madhavan says:

            Thank you so much genius man!!

            I’ll find my way to thank you.. ? don’t freak out..
            I’ll get you some good books in a couple of months. See ya!!

  84. Vijayanirmaladevi m says:

    Mikkkaaa nandri

  85. Ps gopalakrishnan says:

    Great job done. ????

  86. V.ILAIAH says:

    Thanks a lot for posting these precious books

  87. धनंजय says:

    इतने महत्वपूर्ण ग्रंथ निःशुल्क उपलब्ध कराने पर आपको शत शत नमन।

  88. Very good. Invaluable books, will convert into hard copy and read these. Thank you very much

  89. V. Gopal Rao Achary says:

    Without taking any thing instead of the valuable granth, I am very very oblige to you.

  90. V. Gopal Rao Achary says:

    It a great gift for me and my family

  91. Harsha says:

    Thankyou very much sir. If possible pls re scan volume 3 the text is not clear in some areas. Thanks a lot ?

  92. Manohar Parajuli says:

    can you pls provide the publication date, printer, publisher and place

  93. Manohar Parajuli says:

    Thanks for sharing the great treatise on Hindu polity.
    can you please give information about Publication date, publisher and place.

  94. Manohar Parajuli says:

    Sorry Bharatiya, i was talking about one translated by Ramasastry. I am a Nepalese researcher on ancient Hindu polity. I would be glad if you email me this one written by R P Kangle. manoharparajuli@gmail.com

    • bharateeya says:

      This ebook was prepared using text available online nearly a decade back. You cannot use it for citing in research work. Regarding Kangle’s edition, are you unable to download it from the above link? Since the PDF files are of large size, it is difficult to send them by email.

  95. Jay Ramesh says:

    I’m excited

  96. Balaji Parthasarathy says:

    our Gratitude is with you for the splendid Selfless Service you are doing
    A big Thank you For all involved in Sanskrit E books

  97. What an honor to read the great book that was printed in 1924 at Trivandrum where I was born.

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