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Brihad Dhatu Rupavali

The students of Sanskrit often hesitate to use verbal forms while speaking or writing and prefer to use past and potential participles instead. This is because they are not sure whether a certain verbal form they are going to use is correct.

Brihad Dhatu Rupavali by T. R. Krishnamacharya which gives all verbal forms of almost all roots in the Dhatupatha in addition to the participles of the above kind, would surely be very useful to the Sanskrit students. As a book of reference, Brihad Dhatu Rupavali is almost indispensable even to Sanskrit scholars.


43 Responses to “Brihad Dhatu Rupavali”

  1. Razvan Badea says:

    Namaste, this is a very good book, it will help me , thanks for sharing!

  2. teja99 says:

    can you tell me kru dhatu rupe

  3. vidwan.narayan joshi says:

    namaste, inot succeeded free download of brihaddhaturoopavali so plz suggest me

    • bharateeya says:


      I checked the download link just now. It is working. To download the book, you may open the download page – http://www.mediafire.com/?nqy3zhzmxy2
      If you wait for a few seconds, the download link will appear “Click here to start download from MediaFire”. If you click on that link, download will start and within a few minutes the book will be copied to your computer. If you face any more difficult please let me know.

  4. Dr V M Ananthanarayanan says:

    Brhaddhaturupavali is one of the most useful books used for ready reference. I could download it within a couple of minutes. Thanks for your efforts. Regards

  5. Loveleshanand Sarswati says:

    Good morning,
    I am not able to download the book
    please help me.

  6. chandrakant says:

    very useful for me ,a sanskrit student.
    page no. 20 is uploded inversly. please correct it.
    can I request for any other necessory sanskrit book? how?

    • bharateeya says:


      Thanks for writing about the error in the pdf. I will correct it. You may request for Sanskrit books which are in public domain (free from copyright) i.e. books published long ago.

  7. Ritu says:

    Great help, great initiative. Thank you!

  8. prachi says:

    soooooooooo,goooooooooood. thanks

  9. M.B.S.Namboothiripad says:

    The books is an elaborate treatise.
    Pages 24 and 25 are missing. Can you pls uplaod the same pls.

  10. Dr. Krishna Moorthy D. says:

    This can’t be downloaded to android. I tried several times. Plz correct it. Make it proper pdf.

  11. rama chandra says:

    Can I have a copy of Brihad dhathu kusumakarah pls

    Ramachandra Garimella

    • bharateeya says:

      Rama Chandra,

      Requests for copyrighted books are not entertained as it is violation of copyright laws.

  12. ankur says:

    shubh sandhya sir can u will do that Sanskrit to Hindi & Hindi to Sanskrit , sabd roop , sanskrit essay books etc. my English is week sir so plz help me sir , I want to learning Sanskrit..

  13. A S Venkataraman says:


    Page 24 and 25 of Brihad datu rupavali missing. Will be grateful if it can be made available from any other source



    • bharateeya says:


      Thanks for noticing the missing pages. I don’t have hard copy of Brihad Dhatu Rupavali. Its pdf was downloaded from Digital Library of India.

  14. Udbhav says:


  15. suma s r says:

    I wanted to download Brigade dhatu roopavali be T.R.Krishnamacharya
    http:// http://www.mediafire.com/?nqy3zhzmxy2
    Plz help

  16. suma s r says:

    Sir, can I download that book from android mobile?

  17. Miya says:

    Give me mud dhatu roop

  18. Ashish Joshi says:

    नमोनमः मित्राणि एतत् पुस्तकम् बहू उपयुक्तम् । अहं पुस्तकम् प्राप्तकर्तुमिच्छामि कृपया वदेत् कुत्र उपलभ्यते तस्य आपणस्य दूरवाणीं संकेतस्तानम् च दातव्यम्।

  19. Siddhant says:

    Please tell me katha dhatu gana

  20. T N Prabhu says:

    How do I download this book. The D/l link is not working

  21. Debasish Giri says:

    Sir can u tell me that what is the cost of brihad dhatu rupa book

  22. Dinesh kumar says:

    Tadrishao dyivachan metadrishao shabd hoga

  23. sadhvi shivani ji says:

    i am looking for Dhanurveda samhita

  24. Rugmani Vinod says:

    I tried many times to download both Siddaroopam and Dhatu Rupavali ebooks but i was not ablevto get it…instead i got some unnecessary mails by clicking ‘ allow’ option for cookies, other notifications etc. Can i buy these books from some shops in Trivandrum? Please guide me.

  25. V. Soma Sekhar Sarma says:

    Sir please send the links of all puranas written by Vyasa Maharshi along with bhagavatham and bharatham

  26. Yardi A.R. says:

    I want to know the form of रोधयति in लकार.which लकार it shows and how.

  27. DhaneshwarMahakul says:

    Pl.download sanskrita Dhaturoopavali.a concize.

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