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English Prose Translation of Malavikagnimitram, the first play composed by the great poet Kalidasa.

Often it is called Kalidasa Malavikagnimitram, as an honor to Kalidasa. This beautiful play of intrigue grips its readers and keeps them glued till the very end. The plot of the play is cleverly constructed and it revolves around the King Agnimitra’s love interest Malavika who is a maid in the royal palace.


34 Responses to “Malavikagnimitram of Kalidasa – English Translation”

  1. sejal says:

    i want Malavikagnimitram story in hindi or gujarati language

  2. GAJANAN says:

    I request sanskrit composition on Kalidasa…

  3. PRADEEP DHONI says:

    sir,i want mlalavikagni mithram in telugu language

    • bharateeya says:

      Pradeep Dhoni,

      Malavikagnimitram in Telugu is available at Digital Library of India. Relevant details are given below. You could read the books online or download them using any batch-downloading software or by using DLI Viewer (aupasana.com).

      Andhra_Maalavikhagni_Mitramu., 2020010002501. venkatraya shastry. 1919. TELUGU. literature. 80 pgs.
      maal’avikaagni mitramaa., 2020050015968. . 1951. Telugu. LANGUAGE. LINGUISTICS. LITERATURE. 104 pgs.
      Malavikagnimitra., 2040100049422. Saggera Narayana Sastri. 1894. telugu. . 326 pgs.
      shrii maal’avikaagni mitramu., 2030020025305. viireisha lin’gamu kan’dukuuri. 1938. Telugu. GENERALITIES. 89 pgs.

  4. Jay Kapopara says:

    i want full story of Malvikagnimitram in Gujarati, is it possible ? when i tried to find it from DLI it does not open.

  5. Dr.Sundarii says:

    sir, I ‘m looking out for malavikagnimitram in sanskrit with notes by m.r.kale. thankyou.

    • bharateeya says:

      Dr. Sundarii,

      I have not come across Malavikagnimitra with notes by MR Kale anywhere on the internet. I will write to you if I find it in future.

  6. anju a jain says:


  7. komal kashyap says:

    i want more collection of kALidaS…


  8. amit says:

    sir hindi me malvika agni mitram chahiye

  9. earl says:

    i want the moral lesson of that story right now.

    • bharateeya says:

      Earl, Basically, it is a love story, though it contains some well-known subhashitas (wise sayings) like the following.
      рдкреБрд░рд╛рдгрдорд┐рддреНрдпреЗрд╡ рди рд╕рд╛рдзреБ рд╕рд░реНрд╡рдВ рди рдЪрд╛рдкрд┐ рдХрд╛рд╡реНрдпрдВ рдирд╡рдорд┐рддреНрдпрд╡рджреНрдпрдореНред
      рд╕рдиреНрддрдГ рдкрд░реАрдХреНрд╖реНрдпрд╛рдиреНрдпрддрд░рджреНрднрдЬрдиреНрддреЗ рдореВрдврдГ рдкрд░рдкреНрд░рддреНрдпрдпрдиреЗрдпрдмреБрджреНрдзрд┐рдГрее
      pur─Бс╣Зamityeva na s─Бdhu sarvaс╣Г na c─Бpi k─Бvyaс╣Г navamityavadyam|
      santaс╕е par─лkс╣гy─Бnyataradbhajante m┼лс╕Нhaс╕е parapratyayaneyabuddhiс╕е||
      Translation: “All that is old is not gold, nor is poetry bad because it is new, good or bad is decided by wise men, only by first hand scrutiny. It is only a fool indeed who is nose-led by others’ judgment.”

      You can read gist of this play at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C4%81lavik%C4%81gnimitram

  10. This is very Fine Intelectual

  11. chaitu says:


  12. pradipta mandal says:

    how can I get Malabikagnimitram in Bengali translation?

  13. Saubhag Trasy says:

    Can’t download. The link say Invalid or deleted file. Please help.

  14. Dr. Navneet Joshi says:

    Namo NamaH,
    Plz. help me to find ‘Rajtarangini of kalhana’ with Sanskrit Teeka or Translation.
    Thanks to you.

  15. Nandhini says:

    Can I have malavikagnimithram and other kalidasa works in Tamil ?

  16. T R Santhanam Santhanam says:

    I require malavikagnimitram in tamil

  17. v srinivasa rao says:

    sir, any detailed notes is available about all characters in Malavikagnimitram?

  18. Poorvika says:

    I.want characters details in kannada..it will help for me please help in june i.have exam i.am doing correspondence
    Please any one send me

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