This is a collection of subhashitas from Sanskrit literature, with English meaning. Subhashita is an epigram in Sanskrit. A two or four lined verse conveying a thought is Subhashita. It is a good (su), saying (bhashita) conveying a comment on weirdness of human behavior, poetic imagery or an instance of close observation.
300 Subhashitas with English meaning
Apr 10th, 2009 by bharateeya
The book does not have additional references. Who is the author? Publisher? Do you have further information?
It would be fair to the editor/publisher to give that information as well, Importantly it also helps in referencing work and hence making it more useabale. Is it possible to get that information from your source?
Please try to understand. it is not that I know who the author is and still am withholding the information to take credit for the same.
You might have seen that, the name of the author is given in all other entries in this blog (9 out of 10). In this case, this book had never been printed. This was given to me by a friend as a doc file. I just changed the Sanskrit font (I tried to improve its appearance). That’s all. If you (or any one else) know the author please let me know. I am glad to give that information on this blog.
Thanks for suggestions and criticisms.
PS: I hope you know that Subhashitas are like quotations in English. 300 subhashitas do not belong to one author. They may be from hundred of books like chanakya neeti, bhartihari’s nitisataka, ramayana, mahabharata, kalidasa, etc. I hope my reply is helpful.
Thanks for the response, I appreciate it. I am well aware that the subhashit collection is from a variety of sources and given the rich and ancient history of Sanskrit literature, some may not even have an “author”. I asked you in my question who the editor/publisher is, of the collection. This helps in quoting, referencing etc.
Its just that someone probably collected these with a _lot_ of labor, it would be right to address the source, just as you mentioned, how you yourself received it.
You took the time and effort to edit/make them presentable for the rest of us to benefit from and that is sincerely appreciated. Given that you received it from your friend, I understand how they were compiled. Perhaps you could put that as an explanation? Just a thought.
Many thanks.
this book other name is pavan tiwari and doc file downloaded from bookganga and address of the other rewa road nh7 mirjapur vindhyavasini math u.p. some causes of copyright it is deleted from bookganga webportal
dear shankara,
i am not able to download the file
‘300 Subhashitas with English meaning’ from the link.
please do needful.
I checked the link. It works smoothly. Still I will send the ebook to you by email.
I would like to learn amarakosha, subashita shlokas with their meanings.
Please send the text material for my study and reference.
Sir, You can download an ebook containing 300 subhashitas from the download link provided at the bottom of this post. Amarakosa is also available elsewhere on this blog. Please search. It is easy to find.
thanku for this information u gave it helped me a lot and wil help others thank u
it was fantastic.u r doing excellent job.keep it up
I was searching for site like this for quite sometime.
Thanks for maintaining this as no-nonsense site.
it is very good and usefull
it is toogood
plssssssssssssss mail this book to my mail( cant go to download link due to some fortiguard filter in my hostel’s server..i will be grateful to you..
I have sent you the e-book by mail.
Thank You
i m benifitted
please mail this to me..
great work done by you.
I have mailed the file to you. Hope you enjoy it.
Thank you very much for the great help. It is immensely useful for the readers.
Sreeram Darbha.
Hello, i want these all shlokas but unable to get it. i can see the first page only. how i get all the shlokas? please help.
Looking forward to benefit from this forum. Thanks.
I am not able to download the file.
Can you please email it to me ?
What you did is a great devotion.
It not only spreads the knowledge but also highlights the Indian culture.
Great work. Keep it up
I want Catusutri with sankarabhasya
Tattvacintamani Pramanyavada portion in Devanagari
I want Subhasit with Eng. trans
Ineed help regarding this shloka this shlokas meening all our puranas frist word is starting shloka is starting is MADVAYAM BHADVAYAM CHAIVA
Thnks.I hve so much of it.and also it is very useful
I want to know the Sanskrit sLoks subhasita and their meanings
Sir, Namaskaram I’m unable to download the file ” Subhashitas with English meaning”. Could you please mail the same to me.
Thank you
Divya Kumar, I have rectified the download link. You can download the file now.
Thank you.
Need kannada version
i would like to know that the slokas like
“madhuna koderasthena nimba kim madhurayathe” are available in which book.
thank you,
I have not seen this subhashita in Sanskrit. But its Pali version is available in Tipitaka at
Subhashita Ratna Bhandagara containing nearly ten thousand subhashitas is available at
Thanks a lot. I was looking for such collection of Subhashita
Right now I am feeling so cool to see that I am not the only one to love Sanskrit literature. Many of my friends just to learn for the sake of scoring good in the board exams. But now the deed is done , they make fun of me for reading so. Happy to see that our Ancient Aryan culture has not been forgotten and will never be. Kudos!!!!
Please send e book containing 300 subhashitas. Thanks.
good thoughts which gives us right path
Unable to download this ebook. I would like to read it. Could you please send it to me. Rgds
mrs sundaram
I cheched the download link. It is working.
please give link for sarthshrimahabharatsubhashitani.
You can download Sartha Subhashitani from the link given below. There are 4 books by the same author in this collection. It contains sartha mahabharata subhashitani, Ramayana subhashitani, Bhagavata Subhashitani and Yoga Vasishta subhashitani.
gathaanugathiko lokaha na lokah paaramaardhikah
satou saikata lingena nashtam me thaamra bhaajanam
I need the meaning of the above sanskrit shloka
if any body knows it, please help me out
plz mail to
Unable to download the e-book from the link. Please send e-book containing 300 subhashitas to Thanks.
Thank you very much for this book! My friend and I have embarked on the journey of learning sanskrit in a year, and we read one subhashita each day from this book to end our discussion session.
With each day, the subhashitas get better, with deeper metaphors and word play.
We are grateful and thankful for this open-access book!
Best wishes,
Durga and Kalyani
i need hindi meanings not english pleas prefer hindi manings also
I hail your work in uploading these 300 Subhashithanis.
I don’t mind who is the author
It is difficult to know either.
I love the content and it gives great pleasure to read the samskrit version and meaning and I am enlightened and benefited .Thanks from my heart.Publish it as a book so that many can read and be better persons and do upload more if you get them
Learn sanskrit of children
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only to day I happen to visit your site and to the extent I know, Bharthruhari has given us three Shathakams (each shatakam is with 100 slokas ,namely Shringaara shatakam, Neethi shatakam and Vairagya shatakam. It is a real delight to study those since all those are applicable even in today’s life
The readers should understand the fact that most of the Subhashitas we find in Sanskrit are just compilations from various authors.. or from sayings and slokas which are in wide circulation traditionally but without any indication about the exact author.. The contents are rather important and not the author..Even great treatises like Subhashitaratnabhandagaram… have quotes of anonymous nature..
And it is often found that the same quote is found in many works of different authors, and in different works of the same author.. Even slokas of similar words can found both in Kalidasas Kumarasambhavam and Raghuvamsham..
So to be running after the identity of the authors without time to enjoy the substance and content of the work is rather a futile attempt..
Please send me ebook for subhashitam
Thank you for doing such a good job with this book and for being generous enough to share it with the world. Dhanyavaadaaha….
Sir , you did a great work.
Jaya jaya Sankara. Hara Hara Sankara
Good work sir
I have addicted of Subhasit and from childhood, collected more then
300+ subhasit books. And lots of books gifted. Listed some of as below.
१ Chhoti Chhoti Batein 00 Front Page
२ Sanskrit Subhashit – Dilip Pathak 001 A.mp3
३ Sanskrit Subhashit – Dilip Pathak 001 B.mp3
४ Subhashita Ratna Bhandagara-Kashinathsharma
५ अमृत कण – श्री शंकराचार्य स्वामी ब्रह्मानन्द सरस्वती
६ कालीदास के सुभाषित
७ जैन सूक्ति कोश
८ ताओ उपनिषद्
९ धम्म्पदं – विनोबा
१० नारद भक्ति सूत्राणि
११ महासुभाषितसंग्रह ४००१-५००० – विकिपुस्तकानि.mhtml
१२ मानिनी यश मुक्तामाला-श्री मान मंदिर सेवा संस्थान
१३ विश्व के १००० सर्वश्रेष्ठ अनमोल वचन
१४ विश्व सूक्ति खंड ३
१५ श्री नारद भक्ति सूत्रे
१६ श्री शंकराचार्य की वाणी
१७ सुभाषित और विनोद – वाक् वैभव
१८ सुभाषित और विनोद
१९ सुभाषित और सुक्तिया – प्रेमचंद
२० सुभाषित मंजूषा – चौधरी रामसिंह
२१ सुभाषित रत्नाकर – कृष्णशास्त्री भाटवडेकर
२२ सुभाषितानि
२३ सूक्ति त्रिवेणी
२४ सूक्ति-सागर
२५ हिंदी सुभाषित सहस्त्र
२६ અંતરને અજવાળો
२७ ઉક્તિ ભંડાર
२८ ઉપદેશ-સાર
२९ કંઠાભરણમ્
३० તપોવન સુવિચારવન
३१ દાદી ની પ્રસાદી
३२ દુહો દસમો વેદ
३३ દ્રષ્ટાંત શતક – છોટાલાલ નરભેરામ ભટ્ટ
३४ નારદ નાં ભક્તિસૂત્રો
३५ રવીન્દ્રનાથની રત્નકણિકાઓ
३६ રામ કૃષ્ણ પરમ હંસ ના વચનામૃતો
३७ વીણેલા ગુલાબ – 100 વિચાર કણિકા
३८ વેદોની સોનેરી સુક્તિઓ
३९ સંસ્કૃત સુભાષિત નવનીત – ભાઈસંકર પુરોહિત
४० સદુપદેશ
४१ સરળ સુભાષિત શતક – કાંતિભાઈ મહેતા
४२ સુત્રાવલી – ભાગ ૨ – સ્વામી નારાયણ
४३ સુભાષિત સંગ્રહ
४४ સુભાષિતો
४५ સોનેરી સુભાષિતો – શાંતિ આંકડીયાકર
४६ સોનેરી સુવાક્યો નો ખજાનો
४७ સોનેરી સુવિચારો
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Dear sir
Please send me the link for Sanskrit Subhashitani with Sanskrit meaning and explanation.
Please send me the link for Sanskrit Subhashitani with Sanskrit meaning and explanation
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